Chapter 3 (Blue Spark's POV)

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We had to travel a long route- and I mean really, really, really long route- just to get to our destination. We all couldn't help but seem surprised when all we saw was a small village with a few ponies strolling about chatting.

"This is where the map sent us?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, annoyed.

"It doesn't look that bad." I noted.

"That's my point! There's nothing going on here! No monsters to fight!"

Rarity looked relieved. "Well, let's go down there and find the spa."

Rarity shook some dust out of her hair and took a step forward, but Twilight stopped her.

"Wait. We don't know why the map sent us here. We shouldn't just walk right in. I could be dangerous" 

I raised one eyebrow. "It doesn't look too dangerous."

Pinkie Pie raced forward in a pink blur. "Everyone, stay behind me. I'm on it."

Pinkie Pie fixed a determined face and rolled right down the hill. She stopped behind a rock and motioned for everypony to come. She darted forward, hiding underneath rocks, then accidentally getting squished by a large boulder. Pinkie Pie pulled herself from under the rock and we all peered over it down onto the town. Everything looked fairly ordinary. Almost...too ordinary.

" suppose." I added the last part quietly.

"This is where the map sent us? It looks like the most boring place in Equestria!" Rainbow Dash complained.

"It's just an normal village full of pony folk." I commented, surveying the cheerful villagers who were strolling around.

Rarity looked disapproving. "It could certainly use a few architectural flourishes. Or any architectural flourishes."  

"I think it's lovely." Fluttershy said happily, earning a slightly horrified look from Rarity.

"I don't like it! I. Don't. Like. It. One. Bit. I know smiles and those smiles-they're just not right." Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes at the village.

"Forget about their smiles-look at their cutie marks!" Twilight sounded confused.

At first, I didn't understand what she was worried about. But then I looked down and spotted what was wrong, yet quite easy to miss. 

Every cutie mark was the same gray equal sign?!

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