Jealous girl

127 1 104

*It's In Nevermore and Wenclair Is a thing*

Enid was in the quad with Yoko,Bianca,Xavier,Ajax and even Wedneaday but Wednesday came because Enid persuade Wednesday to come to the quad

They just were talking and eating strawberrys what was enids favorite fruit by far Wednesday was just sitting next to enid and the other side of Enid sat Ajax and Ajax started getting closer to Enid what Wednesday didn't like because she knew that she would be jealous about it and Ajax knew it to but Ajax was still moving closer to Enid and at somepoint Wednesday was to jealous and she took Enids hand and started to stand up with Enid and they went to their dorm and something happend there (I'm not going to write it but just imagine what would happend there and I will say that make it spicy)

"That was good" Enid said when she laid on bed with Wednesday

Umm yeah that's the one shot and every single idea is needed
Idea is from SimiLdogers07 but I change it a bit

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