Teacher (Wednesday g!p)

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Wednesday was a teacher who was 25 and he was teaching English and there was a student named Enid and she was 16

When Wednesday saw Enid for the first time she knew that she's going to marry her and he didn't care if Enid wanted that or not

But Enid had a boyfriend and Wednesday didn't care

He called Enid after school to her house and he said that Enid needed to be her girlfriend and that she couldn't say no

So Enid obeyd and she was Wednesday girlfriend even tho she didn't want to

*After a year*

They got married and not long when they married

Enid got pregnant and it was Wednesdays baby

Enid wanted abortion but Wednesday didn't let that happend and said that he is going to   be next to him for every single step


Idea is from alexaaa_rodriguez thank you for this idea

I'm so sorry that it's so short and its all because im sick but i will still uptade and next chapter will be hopefully longer but i think and I love yall so much because you read this story and this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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