(CH. 1) - Broken

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Rose POV


I was running through the woods, so fast that the trees blured by in a mixture of colors, i finally came to a break in the trees and infront of me was a natural spring beneath a huge cliff and i went forward. My throat burned in thirst as i reached down to scoop water in my hands, but instead of hands reaching towards the water, it was white paw-like hands, the hands of a werewolf but they were somehow different. I looked down at my reflection in the water and was met with the most beautiful yet horrifying beast i had ever seen, it's glowing red eyes shown bright, they looked as red as blood, there was a snap above me and my head snapped into the direction of the scource. hovering above me on the cliff was a black beast much like this one, but it's eyes were different, they were glowing an amber/gold-ish color, and they stared down at me with a look that gave me the feeling of prey about to be pounced by a pedator.




(end of dream)

I quickly sat up at the sound of my phone going off, 'great' i thought as i sat up from my mattress, looking towards the window on the other side of the room you could see the sun starting to rise. I got up and walked over to my dresser, it was nothing specail, just a broken hand me down, that held all of my hand me down clothes, the only nice clothes i have are the clothes reserved for pack occasions, and those were neatly tucked away in my closet. That wasn't much of a closet either, there was no door attached as a result of a beating i recieved from my brother earlier that week, by this point i was used to everything of mine being broken as a result of my familys anger towards me. I grabbed the necessary clothing from my dresser and quickly got dressed so i could make my way to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for the pack, it was the last week of highschool, i'd be going to college next year, sadly it would have to be local, me being an omega and the lowest ranking one in my pack, my pack would never let me leave, they enjoy tormenting me too much. When i got to the kitchen i grabbed the necessary ingridiants and start prepping, today i would be making bakon and egg begal sandwhiches with cream chese and some extra choices for anyone who didn't want the main course, around 8:00 is when i heard things begin to stir upstairs and i felt a feeling of anxiety hit my stomach, 'please don't come in here...please just leave me alone today'. I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from groaning in frustration as my brother josh, his girlfriend Amber, and her brother Alex walk into the kitchen where i am currently cooking, i sit there in silence as they laugh and make their way to the fridge, seeming too stuck in their conversation to notice me, that is until Alex turned and went for an apple in the fruit basket that was sitting right next to me on the counter. "make sure you don't burn any of my bacon, we don't want a repeat of last time do we?" he growled, towering over me as he smirked with a taunting glint in his eyes, i felt a chill run up my spine at the mention of the last time i accidentally burned his bacon, my wrist was dislocated and i had to get stitches because of the huge claw marks he left in my stomach from shifting into his wolf and attacking me head on. I nod, not saying a word knowing it would only get me hit as a result, and go back to cooking as if they are not there, i can hear them snickering behind me as they slowly walk out but before my brother walks out i hear the familliar insult "you're a disgrace to werewolves, you worthless mutt" as he walks out of the room, i felt tears fill my eyes. I didn't know why i was so weak, ever since i was a child they told me the moon goddess had forsaken me, and ever since my 16th birthday i have begun to believe them, every wolf shifts for the first time in their life on their 16th, there are cases where some wolves may take another day or two to shift, but no one had ever heard of it taking nearly three years. My 18th birthday was the next full moon, one month away and i was not at all pleased, ever since i failed to shift on 16th birthday my brother and his group of friends have made it their mission to make my life hell every birthday, i suppressed the shiver at the thought of what they might do this year and start plating everything up, making sure it looks neat as if about to be served at a banquet and almost too beautiful to eat, this is what they expected every meal, anything less resulted in a beating. I put the trays on the cart and the other omegas lined up along the wall waitng for my signal, i open the door and they each grab a tray, taking out the carts one by one, as they all walk out i follow and stop at the end of the long table that stretched down the humongous pack dining room as they distributed plates and entrees, everyone looks up at me with intense judgement. "Breakfast is served" i stated, bowing my head and bearing my kneck in a sign of submission with the resrt of the omegas, everyone looks down at their plates before digging in and resuming whatever conversation they were having before our entry, 'Rose come here' i heard my alphas voice sound in my head through the pack mindlink, before complying and walking to his seat at the other end of the long table. As i make it to his seat i see the familiar glares from the luna and her children, Alpha Riley looked up at me with a cold stare as he pulled me closer and i felt his hand on my lower back, i bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from gagging and pulling away, "you didn't come to my room again, how long are you going to deny me, when your alpha gives an order you do as you are told, tonight there will be a banquet, i expect you to be there at my side with my luna" i bow and step back, looking at luna Miranda. You could see the tears in her eyes, tears of anger and heartbreak, i felt a pang of sympathy in my chest, regardless of what she had done to me in my life no one deserved to be disrespected like that, let alone by their fated mate, i walk out of the back doors of the dining room and go up to my room to finish getting dressed, once finished i grab my bag and walk outside to my bike as all the younger wolfs of the pack got into their cars and trucks to go to school while the adults went to drop off the children and go to their pack jobs. This is life for me as an omega, and as the lowest ranking omega in the pack i have no right to resist or fight back, not even within reason, the alpha had been trying to get with me ever since my 16th birthday, which is part of the reason why his wife and daughter hate me, i have tried to talk to the luna and explain this is not my choice but i have only been met with attacks and ridicule, i can only hope that one day i simply do not wake up as the hope for a mate is something i gave up awhile ago.

word count 1367

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