(CH. 3) - Submit or die

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Rose POV

I was thrown onto the bed and before i could react i felt him leaning over me, burrying his face in my neck as he inhaled my scent, a low growl left his chest and his eyes began to glow that amber golden color, "do you even realize what i am?" he asked me, i turned to look at him, "what are you talking about" his eyes seemed to glow brighter at that, i didn't like the feeling this look was giving me, it made me feel like prey about to be eaten by a predator, "you are MINE, from now on i don't want another male or female touching you without my permission" i almost laughed in his face. Was he trying to say i was his mate? That isn't possible even if a wolf is not 18 they still feel a fraction of the mating bonds' pull when they are around their mate if their mate is of age, and the king is turning 20 in less than three months, i would've felt some sort of pull towards him, but i haven't felt anything aside from the normal hormones of any teenage girl in the same vecinity as any hot guy, he must have quite a few screws lose if he is convinced i'm his mate, "there's no way i am your mate" i state firmly as i try to push on his chest, trying to create space between us. A deep growl leaves his chest in warning as he snatches my wrists in his hands, they were so tiny in his hands i'm sure he could break them if he only slightly squeezed, "trust me when i say i know you are mine, Lycans are different compared to werewolves when it comes to the mate bond, it's much more intense, we are first hit with your scent" he took my braid in his hands and held it to his nose, sniffing my hair, "as soon as we lock eyes with our destined mate we are hit with a vision of us at some point during the bonding process, with each mate bond it is different but it is said it is when you are most happy" suddenly his hand was holding my chin up so i was looking at him. "i saw you carrying my pups in your belly and we were doing the traditional dance of my people in celebration of our pupps being born soon" he said this as he stroked my stomache with his other hand, the look in his eyes frightened me, he looked absolutely infatuated with the idea, as if he had already made up his mind that he was going to make it a reality, his eyes went back to their normal amber brown color as he stared down at me with a smirk, "don't worry i'm going to give you time to adjust, but make no mistake you are going to be my queen" the weight that hit my chest could've broken the bed, dragging me through the floor, 'do i really have no choice in this? there's no way he'd let me reject him at this point, he's made that very clear'. My mind and heart are racing as i am trying to process this situation but i begin to feel myself slip into a panic attack, tears fill my eyes as my breathing becomes uneven and panicked, i fight against him, pushing him away from me and running into the bathroom that was connected to the room by a side door, once the door is slammed shut and locked i couldn't hold it back, so i grabbed a folded towel and began to sob into the towel as i rode through this episode, i haven't had an episode this bad since i was nearly raped by my own brother, how in the hell did this man think we could ever be happy?, he's forcing me into a relationship i do not want because he thinks we're mates. It takes me awhile to finally calm my breathing and i took the opportunity to look in the mirror, i looked like i had been hit by a train, i see a robe hanging next to the shower and decide it would be good to take a shower, stripping off my dress and shawl i look at the scars and bruises left on my body from my pack, what would happen now, the water felt great on my muscles and i tried my best to relax, washing my body and hair helped me clear my mind and for a moment, it felt like nothing had changed and i was in the pack house bathroom taking a shower, until i heard a knock on the door, i shut the shower off and step out, covering myself in the robe. It swollowed my small figure to the point the bottom slightly dragged on the ground as i walked to the door, opening it i was not expecting to see one of the other female omegas of the pack standing there, i think her name is Ruby, she holds out some clothes, keeping her eyes down as she hands them to me "i was instructed by the king to accompony you and serve you until further notice, i hope i can be of service" i felt a pang in my chest, hearing her voice i now remember why i know her, she was sent to this pack as a gift from a seperate pack we made an aliance with, i would occasionally see her in the alphas room when he'd instruct breakfast to be brought to his room, bloody and broken on his bed as he'd be getting dressed for the day she'd always lay there with tears falling from her eyes though she never made a noise. "thank you, you may call me Rose, please no formalities, you are above me after all" she looked at me shocked, shaking her head in protest, "the king has instructed that you are no longer an omega, an order from the king is absolute i apologize" she bowed her head before taking a step back and walking towards the balcony doors that were now wide open, looking around i didn't see the king, "please leave those open, i don't know when he'll be back but i feel it would be best to leave them open" she nod her head before turning and leaving the room, i walk out of the bathroom and inspect the clothing, it was a pair of black shorts and a black hoodie, the hoodie smelled like him and the shorts were obviously going to appear very short on me. I cursed at the realization that there were only a pair of underwear and no bra, not even a sportsbra, at least he wasn't here, with any luck he won't return till morning, putting on the clothes i took the time to look around the room, he didn't bring much with him it seems, there was no bag in sight, i walked over to the closet and opened it, the only thing new i saw was a breifcase, nothing else not even a shirt left to hang for in the morning, reaching out i grabbed the breifcase and brought it over to the bed, it had no lock so i clicked the button next to the handel and it popped open, inside was four guns with two refill clips each and a wallet. "Why the hell does he need these?" closing it back up i put it back in the closet as close to how i found it as possible, with any luck he'd think i was looking through the closet and moved it slightly to reach something, i decided now would be the best time to lay down and get some rest, i don't know what will happen when the king makes another appearance, laying down i sighed in satisfaction, my bed is just a thin mattress on an old meral bedframe, you could feel the bars poke into your back because of how old my mattress is, this bed felt like a plush pillow compare to it, i snuggled into the mattress and thick fluffy blankets thinking that maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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