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The fog clears in Iris' mind, she feels heavy, and exhausted. She sags against Sting, breathes heavily.

What happened? Iris draws a blank.

Her eyes narrow, squinting to see through her blurred vision. Sting is cool against her back, the palms of his hands a raw red from her inflamed skin—slowly returning to normal.

She sees figures attack someone—steadily walking towards them. Unbothered by their advances, like he is untouchable.

He looks like he is taking a leisure stroll through Waas, and not deflecting magic spells or brute fists.

She hears a muffled shout, "Stay away from them!" Then nothing again. I'm tired. Her breathing slows, exhausted.

The man stops in front of them, then kneels. She can't hold his eyes, her own threaten to close every time she blinks. He cocks his head, and she no longer feels Sting against her back. Flung off to the side.

She can't hold herself up, falling forward onto his shoulder. He pats her back, and whispers something she can not hear. Then loudly states, "You have something that shouldn't have been given." Alert. Signals fire off. Get away, quickly.

Strength magic vibrates at her fists, and a harsh shove is enough to dampen his wishes. She slides across the ground, ramming into a tree trunk. Iris shakes her head, doing her best to be aware again. Her ears ring, and her nose drips blood.

"You are not making this easy for yourself." His voice is becoming unsettling, clearer. Her vision shakes less. She glances quick to the side when she sees blond hair. Sting, is okay. No apparent injury on his skin.

"Pay attention, when I speak to you." He is there the moment she looks away from Sting. He is unbearably close, holding her chin. Dark eyes, albeit, they look uninterested. But, her soul says otherwise. His name lays at the tip of her tongue, something she only heard once. A long time ago, years before now, and years after Dais took her in. Warned to not repeat it.

She disobeys her mother, again. "I know you." She states through a wince, "Zeref." It's small, the upturn of his lips. "Dais failed in keeping it away from you."

"Parents mess up, sometimes." She feels oddly confident. The hand of her chin falls, and he takes a step back. He can't be close to her for long. How does she know this? Something invisible tells her it.

"You challenged me, and continue." Her eyes narrow, slits becoming of her pupils. "I want my mother back."

"She will never return. Her time in this world is done."

"It isn't. I won't allow it," Zeref chuckles darkly, raises a brow and stretches out a hand. A dark sphere forms, then a heavyweight falls into his palm. A clear crystal ball. A container. Inside, a cloud swirls around it, missing its other half. "She gave you something you should never have. A present, without the bow."

"My magic." It jumps out. Zeref nods, "I am undoing my mistakes, her existence was one of many." Series jump pass her eyes, scrolling through monsters of destruction. Zeref's Creations—Dais was one of his. He created her.

It's not as simple, as him wanting her magic. Iris is part of Dais' creation, she is related to her through blood—Zeref, Dais, and then Iris.

"You want my existence."

"Clever. You figured it out." He looks behind him, to the frozen guild members. It's only them, in this warp of time. "I will die soon, before then, I wish to undo all harm caused to this world. Dais' existence created havoc, and yours has too." Her pure magic is lethal. Monsters created from it.

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