Red ritual

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Akako was shocked, she couldn't believe she was seeing her own father face to face after so many years! . Akako impulsively starts invading her father with questions of "Why is he like this?" , "Why does he appear to her right now after so much time?" And mainly "How did he end up in that state?" , faced with so many questions, Akikotsumaru did not know which one to answer first, but his response was interrupted when suddenly outside the room, Heel's chilling footsteps were heard that sounded like an echo throughout the hallway. This alerted Akako and her father, and to prevent that someone from finding them, Akako took some sheets that were nearby and with them completely covered the Sword from the tip to where it fits into the handle.
In order to cover the light it gave off as best it could and thus avoid being found. With the sword completely covered the room became dark but through the door you could see the shadow of a female figure outside the room who began to light the candles in the hallway and as she did so the shadow was seen more clearly but still Thus, Akako did not recognize her and in order to see her, Akako opened the door to see through it who was the strange female figure that was lighting the candles. When Akako looks through the half-open door, she cannot see who it is, but what she can see is that whoever the person is was wearing strange red high-heeled shoes. She unexpectedly has a vision in which she sees someone wearing red high-heeled shoes. He brutally murdered a servant and then left quietly. At this, Akako quickly and silently moved away from the half-open door and hid as best she could. Minutes later, High Heel Shoes' footsteps could be heard slowly moving away until they finally disappeared, letting Akako and her father understand that the The person who was outside had left and to confirm, Akako along with her father looked through the half-open door again to see if he had left and indeed if there was no one there. In a moment of silence, Akako began to think about the vision she saw and came to the conclusion that whoever murdered the maid surely had Red High-heeled Shoes. Upon seeing her daughter's silent expression, Akikotsumaru asked her

Akikotsumaru: Daughter, what's happening?
Akako: nothing dad just thinking

The next morning Akako got up early to start working but due to lack of sleep and insomnia Akako ended up fainting while going down the stairs, this greatly alerted Oyuki and the other maids who took her to rest in a room. When Akako wakes up, Oyuki was around her along with two other maids of the house, Seo-Jin and Hanako.
Akako: Miss Oyuki, Seo-Jin, Hanako What's wrong?
Hanako:! Like what's going on?
Oyuki: What happened is that you fainted and miraculously nothing happened!
Seo-Jin: It's probably because you haven't slept at all!
Hanako: Miss Oyuki, we have to do something with Akako, this is not normal!
Oyuki: What do you mean?
Hanako: I say this because I have seen that people who have a lot of insomnia It is because they are persecuted by some spirit and I know this because my father was a Shaman!
Oyuki: sure?
Seo-Jin: Miss Oyuki, sorry but Hanako is right, it is not normal that from one moment to the next for no reason an Akako begins to have these types of problems!
Akako: I think they are exaggerating.
Oyuki: No! I'm not going to risk losing anyone else in this house, you're going to go see that shaman whether you like it or not!
Seo-Jin: Do you want me to call my father Miss Oyuki?
Oyuki: don't worry, I know a Good Shaman, he will help us
Akako: ok I'm going to go but first I need to change right away
Given her situation, Akako immediately went to the room to see her father and tell her what happened.
Akako: Dad, I'm very worried about what I should do, do you think he should let me do the ritual?
Akikotsumaru: Do it, don't worry, it's best, if you refuse, they will start to suspect you.
Akako: But what about you, what happens if during the ritual they discover who you are!
Akikotsumaru: Nothing is going to happen, don't worry, just humor them so they don't get suspicious.
Akako not quite sure whether she would accept or not, she anyway agreed to do the shaman ritual. The next morning Akako along with Oyuki, Seo-Jin and Hanako met the Shaman in an empty Temple, after arriving at the temple Oyuki together with Seo-Jin, Hanako and the shaman prepared everything for the ritual and once everything fact The shaman began in ritual. At first everything was normal, the Shaman began to do the ritual as he was used to, but suddenly the Shaman sees a strange and terrifying male figure soaked in blood and full of scars on his face. The Shaman is terrified when he sees this image until he gives a shock. enormous scream of terror, this alerted Akako and the other girls who claimed that they could not see anyone since the place was surely empty. The shaman with all his might tries to Exorcise the spirit but in his attempt he begins to feel like something invisible begins to Choke him slowly and brutally. Akako, Oyuki, Seo-Ji and Hanako panicked because they couldn't do anything so Oyuki ask the shaman to ask him what is happening
Oyuki: Shaman, what is happening?
Shaman:! He is him, he is here, he is still here,! I have to eliminate it before it's too late and it comes for us!
Oyuki: Who is coming for us?
The shaman did not answer him and continued exorcising the spirit but the invisible thing began to suffocate him until he fell to the ground. Oyuki tried to console him and then the Shaman pointed his finger towards where Akako was. When Oyuki looked behind Akako he He instantly terrifies him by letting out a huge scream of terror that echoed throughout the place. He quickly grabbed Akako by her arm and pulled her away from where she was and with an expression of terror and Fear yelled at her.
Oyuki:! Get away from him
Akako: Whom I don't see Nobody!
Despite the Asphyxiation, the Shaman continued to insist on trying to Exorcise the spirit but his neck could no longer withstand so much pressure and he ended up collapsing in front of everyone. Releasing blood from his mouth, this terrified the girls, causing Oyuki along with Akako to be filled with It is then that Hanako decides to call the police and tell them everything. Oyuki approached the Shaman once again and picked him up with his arms. In desperation, Oyuki asked the shaman in a low voice without Akako and the others hearing.
Oyuki: Mr. Kim, Shaman, tell me who he was, who he was that you saw!
Shaman: he is still here, he is not... gone...
Thus saying his last words, leaving everyone stunned and traumatized. Minutes later the police and the Oyuki Ambulance along with Akako, Seo-Jin and Hanako gave their testimony and told them everything that had happened and then returned to the mansion. Along the way Akako apologizes for what happened but Oyuki instead He tells her that it is not her fault and that it is rather her fault for having forced her to do the ritual. When they arrived, everyone was tired from the traumatizing scene and the hardness of the trip. Oyuki sent everyone in the mansion to sleep, especially Akako. Later when everyone in the mansion was fast asleep Akako took advantage of this to sneak into the darkness and visit her father in her room. Upon entering, as expected, the sword had its peculiar red glow that illuminated the entire room. Then, how the last time, water began to come out of the sword, which began to run throughout the room and then turned into Rubies, when its transformation took place. complete Akako was able to see her father again. Akikotsumaru was very happy to see her daughter again and very happily greets her.
Akikotsumaru: ! My girl, my princess, how have you been?
Akako: You killed the Shaman!?
Akikotsumaru: Is this how you talk to your father after so many years without seeing each other, my girl?
Akako: Answer me! Did you kill the Shaman and why?

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