Chapter Two

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"Devin." Said Ethan's annoying voice for the hundredth time as I tried to finish my shower in peace. "De-viiiin." He cried drawing it out more dramatically this time.

"I already told you Jones! I'm finishing my shower. Go use the other bathroom." I shouted over the running water, turning up my music.

"Because she fell, and fell hard

He was battered and scarred

But she could see that inside, there was more"

I belted along to my current obsession, Story of the Phantom, and I could feel the tears running down my face as I did so. It was so emotional! I was just about to drop to my knees and sing the chorus when I heard the door click.

I instinctively clutched my mouth shut and wrapped my arms around my chest as I turned into the wall.

"Jesus Christ Devin, what are you doing trying to create a sauna?" Asked Ethan as he padded across the room. "Ethan what the hell! I'm literally naked!" I said, almost too surprised to get the words out.

"I told you, Lawrence won't let me near his weird little bathroom cubby and you need to share. I have to pee, I've been waiting for 40 minutes." Suddenly the sound of water splashing from behind me made me want to barf. "Ugh see now was that so bad? Maybe next time be a little more hospital and I won't come in." He said almost too casually as he left and I heard the bathroom door start to creak shut. "Although, I could get used to private shower concerts if you want to invite me in sometime." He said and I could feel the smirk in his voice as he clicked the door shut.

Stupid Ethan.

Stupid bathroom door lock not ever working.

I keep telling dad to fix it, but does he? Noooo. What if there was a flipping murderer or something??

And stupid fucking cheeks. Turning red and making me miss the chorus.

"Ugh!" I erupted as I stepped out of the shower ready to just lie in bed and- what are those?

I raised my head in embarrassment as a makeshift doodle of boobs on my bathroom mirror made my heart flutter and my cheeks turn red again. I quickly pulled on my pajamas and walked out of the bathroom, hearing a soft laughter from the other room as I stomped down the hallway.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you!" I said pausing outside the door. "You couldn't even draw boobs right, have you ever even seen them before?" I was about to turn and go back to my room where I had a long overdue date with my bed when the door clicked open and a shitless Ethan Jones was inches away from me.

"Your boobs? No but I wouldn't complain if you wanted to show me." He said with a small smirk as his eyebrows waggled suggestively. My eyes got wide and I quickly ran to my room, hearing him cackle behind me.

What was wrong with me?!

It hadn't even been one full day yet of living with that creep and I already wanted to peel off my skin and boil it until some sense got knocked into my body. Ethan Jones was barely acquaintance material. Much less brother's friend turns my friend turns boyfriend turns lover turns husband material.

He was a shitty partner - nice for two weeks, made you feel like you were on top of the world then ground slammed you into the mantle of Earth. Leaving you high and dry as he moved onto his next fling of the month. I knew. I'd seen enough of my friends and girls around the school get their heart broken to write a whole thesis on his dating style.

It was almost tragic when you thought about it. Like what drove him to constantly seek out attention from girls he obviously didn't even like. I was just about to crawl into my bed and succumb to the sweet callings of sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

"Now what Ethan? First you walk in on me while I'm showering what's next? You want to sleep in my bed and usher me to the couch inst-" I started angrily as I flung the door open. Only it wasn't Ethan, it was my brother, Lawrence who was standing on the other side.

"Ethan walked in on you while you were showering?" He said with an eyebrow cocked and his jaw a little more clenched than usual. "I told him to just hold it until you were done."

"Oh, umm yeah but he just came in and peed and left." I said sheepishly my face turning red as i rubbed the back of my head.

"I'm gonna talk to him, I'm sorry that happened Dev."

"It's okay, umm but anyways what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! Right, I was coming to see if you wanted to go to the movies with us. There's this new horror movie or something that Ethan wants to go watch." He said, clenching his teeth at the last part.

"I don't know bro, it's kind of late. I was actually just about to go to bed." At my words he erupted into a cackle.

"Devin it's 8pm"

"Yeah, past my bedtime."

"All you ever do is sleep. You slept until 1 in the afternoon and now you're trying to go back to bed at 8? No. Go get changed and meet me in the car in 20 minutes." He said shaking his head. "Ethan she's coming! And I have a bone to pick with you you asshole!" He shouted as he started heading back down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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