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Two months of losing my damn mind. Two months since I've kissed her or held her. Two months of damn near losing everything I had because I was missing her. My business partners were growing angry with me because of my terrible attitude or how I handled things lately. Fuck them. They don't know how it feels to be fucking lost. Since she's been gone, my life has tried to go back the way it was before she ever set foot in Italy. "Mr. Moretti, don't you want to continue the fight looking for your wife?" a report asked me. I've been stuck having to continue the press side of my life. The one where people still think the mafia does not exist. The ones that think I'm a cold-blooded individual that married for status and that I was growing old and needed an heir. I'm twenty fucking-nine what else did they want from me? I grew up fast by having my mother die right in front of me. Making my first million bucks at sixteen and witnessing my siblings discover what really happened to my mother. This was never a fucking game to me. "For the sake of my business they need me back in the office. Maybe the police and local militia will look into seeing if they can find her remains. Just so we properly lay her to rest." Lie. I have to make it look like I have given up on my wife. It's the best way so that way they will get comfortable in where they are. No one can out play me ever. "Sir, there had been reports of her being seen walking into a local hospital. Do you think there might be a possibility of her being alive?" My heart dropped into my stomach at that question. But, in business we have to keep our composure. "There is a possibility. But we aren't going to get ahead of ourselves." Travis answers for me.

While wrapping up the last little bit of my conference I get a text from Elena telling me to come quick. We cut it short letting everyone know we will resume in the next coming days. We finally get to the family compound and Alyssa is in tears. On the television is a video that was sent through an anonymous Ip address. It was Stefanie. It was documented that the video was recorded last night. In the video she explains what's going on with minimal details and not showing the rest of her body. It wasn't until we saw a little girl come into the view introducing herself and explaining that her and my wife have been sticking together. Travis pauses the video and runs to get his computer. "Travis, what are you doing? This is proof that Stefanie is okay." Elena expressed. He looks at me and we think the same thing. While developing our security company we created a system where we can trace where pictures and videos were coming from. "Replay the video." I tell Elena. "Marco there's more to the video that you need to see." Not listening, I replay the video. The longer we let it play the likeness of finding where the video was taken. The same first two minutes play until Stefanie stands up. 

The room was dark, and she started breathing really heavily. The little girl Ana grabs hold of the phone that they were recording on and flips the phone. "There was something I never got to tell you guys. So here it goes." She speaks. Walking in front of the mirror in her room she was holding her stomach. Elena gasped holding Alyssa. My hands start to tremble. My baby is really pregnant. She's still pregnant. That was my child growing in there and I'm missing everything. "I'm officially five months along. I feel huge." I punched the wall that was next to me, puncturing a hole in it. "She's really active to say the least. She kicks me any chance she gets and has me eating everything in sight." It's... it's a girl. Life fucking hated me. She doesn't even know who I am. "We've been calling her Luna. I hope this calms everyone's nerves." It really didn't calm anything. My wife was pregnant as hell, and she was getting checked out by their doctors. "I've got to go before they can find anything. But pinata's can't open themselves." That was it. Her video was over. 

For the next hour everyone in the house grabbed every device they own and started digging into where they could find Stefanie. "Hey this looks weird. I have never seen this in my life." Alyssa was the only person out of the three of them that paid attention to her social media. "What is it?" grabbing her MacBook I started doing some digging. "It says that I've subscribed to a blog, but I don't remember doing that." For the time being I tell her to read every entry of the blog until she finds something. Sitting at Travis' computer the same remote place in Slovenia started becoming active. The reading from the computer shows that it has been consistent for the past two months. This is my sign and I'm fucking taking it. "Someone put in these coordinates and tell me if this is the same place." I yelled out. I don't fucking care anymore I need my girl back and I'm not taking no for an answer. "It's Stefanie." Alyssa says, "We always talked in code before she got here. I know her writing when I see it." My wife isn't far from me, just as I suspected. 

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