Chapter 02: Heated Entrance

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 "-In other news, there has been an increase of villain sightings in the last few days, many reports indicate that these new villains are incredibly powerful and dangerous, all seemingly with mutation quirks, we advise that any residents of the districts on screen to remain inside their homes tonight... Next up, sources say that All Might, Japan's Number 01 Hero, might begin to teach at U.A-"

Ben looked at the television on the display of a store and then back at his watch, which now displayed a radar, with red dots surrounding an Omnitrix badge symbol that was right at the center of the radar display. After checking the watch he looked around to see a sign on the street.

"Well...the news are saying that this area is some of my aliens have been spotted, and according to you...there should be an alien right" Ben came to a stop, as the Omntrix symbol displayed on the radar was now right on top of one of the red dots.

"Huh? Hellooo...anybody around here?...*sigh*... Well I guess this radar is broken, I better move on to the next alie-"


A loud scream interrupted Ben mid-sentence. Quickly looking upwards, Ben spotted him. Standing on top of the nearby building stood Chromastone, one of Ben's strongest aliens, a purple rock-creature, with pink spikes coming out of its back, an alien capable of absorbing light and energy and then redirecteding in the form of a powerful beam attack.

The alien screamed, jumping downwards directly at Ben. The teen yelped in surprise, jumping backwards, just barely avoiding the alien creature's powerful strike.

Slowly Chromastone got up, glaring at Ben, the lights that once illuminated the streets began to flicker and Chromastone began glowing, he was probably absorbing the light from the poles! With this new power up, he moved forward ready to attempt to strike Ben once more, the teen backed away once again, trying to avoid the taller alien's strikes, unfortunately for the hero, the alien was too fast, and he quickly gained the upper hand, landing two very powerful blows on the teen's guts and chest, pushing him near a dark alleyway.

"Aw Man, out of all the aliens I could find, why couldn't I find someone easier to capture, like Jurryrig, or Terraspin?" Ben exclaimed annoyed, looking around, trying to find something that he could use as a weapon, when he noticed an old and rusty metal pipe right next to him. He picked the pipe as Chromastone approached him, grin on his face as he hid the pipe behind his back.

"Alright buddy, how about we take a moment to collect our thoughts and just sit Down!" Ben shouted, swinging the rusty pipe at the alien's face.

The pipe made direct contact with the creature's face, but ended up breaking down in half in the process. Chromastone did not even flinch, he simply looked at the the teen's hand where the pipe once was, then back to Ben


Chromastone then punched the teen on the face, sending him flying into the nearby dark alleyway, resulting in him hitting his back against the alleyway's wall.

Ben groaned in pain, as blood dripped from his mouth, he looked around, grabbing anything near him and throwing it at the rock alien that approached him once more, this included empty bottles of glass, the lid of a trash can, then the trash can itself, all to no avail as Chromastone continued marching forward completely unharmed.

The alien came to a stop, staring down at the teen, as he stretched his left hand forward, as light began emanating from the rock creature's hand, this could only mean one thing: He was charging an attack, point blank, aimed directly at Ben.

Ben 10's Hero AcademiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz