Chapter 03: Twists, Turns and Crashes

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Ben groaned, slowly opening his eyes, snatching the noisy clock from the nearby table, looking at it Ben let out a louder groan than the first one, slowly picking himself up from the couch. Now sitting on the couch, Ben let out a tired yawn and then stretched his arms up in the air, letting out a sigh of relief.

Ben got up and exited the break room, as he passed by the counter Ben picked up the store keys, which he promptly used to open the store, flipping the sign from the front window to open before returning back to the counter. Ben looked around the empty store and let out a sigh, it was going to be a slow morning by the looks of things, with no costumers to assist or help, Ben shifted his focus onto the nearby computer turning it on with the hopes of finding something to distract himself.

As he surfed the web he came across several articles reminding that the results to the U.A Entrance exam would be available to the public today...this was not something Ben was particularly looking forward to as he didn't have the highest of hopes regarding the results of the exam.

Sure, he did destroy quite a few robots, but he wasted practically half of the test fighting off the 'zero pointer', and that was only the practical exam, Ben did not want to even think about the written exam, he was barely able to answer any of the questions, the only subject matter that he was able to answer with confidence was the English portion of the test, but still, that was only one subject matter among a bunch of others.

Thinking back on it though, Ben realized how quickly things had happened, it had been one week since the U.A exam, and in that time he decided to take a very well deserved rest, and slept for basically two days straight, all the while trying to manage taking care of the store.

After that the teen began exploring the city of Mustafu, trying to memorize the location of nearby stores, malls and so on, although he did get lost on the first day of exploring and took the entire afternoon to find a way back to the Jiro's shop, but that was okay, after all, he still found a way back and with some newfound never trust the directions given by a crazy old man in a super hero outfit. The next few days were spent on trying to capture his aliens, which unfortunately for Ben, were causing havoc mostly during day time, which made it impossible to capture them without getting in trouble with the law.

Sighing in defeat, Ben stepped away from the computer screen and looked over at the clock on the wall next to him, it was currently 8:20 AM, it may not be very early in the morning, but with his body still getting used to the different time zones, 8:20 AM felt like 8:20 PM to the teen, but he couldn't really complaint all that much, after all, he could be still be roaming the streets of Japan, living off of free samples and rain water, while being forced to sleep on a cardboard box, so having a roof on top of his head was already perfect for him...


...well mostly perfect, Ben stared at his own stomach, as the grumbles began growing louder and louder by the minute.

Looking around, Ben realized that no one was at the store yet, so he stepped away from the counter and entered the break room once more, in the hopes of finding something to eat for breakfast, he knelt down, opening the cabinet, in it were several snack bars, some candy and other kind of snacks, there were also a few slices of bread stored in a little plastic box, Ben continued to rummage through the cabinet for a while when.



Surprised by the sound of someone entering the store, Ben accidentely bumped his head on the cabinet, getting up as quickly as possible as to not leave the customer all by him or herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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