Chapter 4

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After a celebration night out with Sam, yugi came home towards his small apartment. He lived in a nice little complex that didn't really have complaints and was pretty quiet.

It was simple a one bedroom and one bath along with a pet rabbit for company. Once the male had gotten home he felt exhausted and drained. Yugi quickly tossed his house keys in the basket and walked directly over towards his couch.

Plopping his face deep inside the cushions and sighed heavily. He had been up early this morning, to do a few errands. Then had immediately had to go to the interview.

Slowly he rotated his face out from the couch and looked at the clock. Noticing the time it was only a mere 8:45pm. He still had to at least shower, feed his friend panda and then do his laundry.

Although his arms felt heavy and his mind was a bit fuzzy. While out and about with Sam they had went to go drink, and usually when he drinks with Sam they get wasted.

Yugi was never one to like getting drunk but he always felt forced and pressured to drink a lot with Sam. He had known Sam since college before Sam left and dropped out.

They became so close and had been through so much in the past few years. It was almost like they were practically brothers. Of course Sam felt the same way about Yugi.

They had been through not only good times but bad times as well. Trauma that sometimes continued to haunt both Sam and Yugi til this day. Although Yugi tries his best to cope with not remembering it.

The pressure about tomorrow continued to get in his thoughts. He wanted to make a good impression and was nervous he wouldn't be able too.

The boss at the company already didn't seem to like him and they barely even had a single conversation. He didn't know if the ceo would always be at his company every single day, but if so that in itself was intimidating.

Yugi slowly rose from the couch looking around his apartment for a moment before getting up and walking into his Kitchen. From the vegetable basket he grabbed a carrot and immediately walked into his room.

Reaching his room he opened the door and turned directly towards his rabbit cage. Sliding the carrot inside one of the holes, he smiled happily seeing his friend panda inside.

" hey little guy.. " yugi said. "Did'ja miss me? " he remarked towards it as it begin to nibble on the carrot he was given. Yugi then turned his vision towards his bed and sat down on the edge of it.

Exhaling once again he started to unbutton his vest and his shirt changing into some more comfortable clothing. He normally didn't dress up a lot and only did so when he felt it was important.

Since he had that interview he deemed it necessary considering it's an office job. He would also assume he'd have to continue to wear things like that in order to keep his job otherwise, he would be replaced.

Considering as well that the ceo of the company was hard to impress, he would think he'd need to do as he was told so he could go far in the company. Not only was he trying to run his own business but he wanted to be as successful as the company he was working for.

This excited Yugi awaiting to get started on his first day as he slipped into a solid black tank top and some boxer briefs. Plopping down into his bed and sliding his legs underneath his covers.

Yugi laid down in bed and reached for his remote to turn his television on. Clicking through channels before stopping on the discovery channel. Sometimes random thoughts would enter his mind.

Simply about how lonely it was in his apartment. He had been living on his own for about five years now. He had two apartments in the past already, and he finally settled down in New York City for a fresh start.

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