She's fine.

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Ryder's POV

"Do you know what that was about?" Jayden nudged my shoulder, mentioning earlier in the breakfast place.

"I would think it's probably the fucker who locked eyes with her before she sprinted out the damn door," I thought about the middle-aged man who walked in with his family. He looked guilty and worried that he saw her.


"Well I think it's her dad and she caught him cheating on her mom and has a whole new family no one knew about. I mean, something is obviously going on at home, why not her parents failed marriage? That's probably why she wears her hoodie." Isaac gave his opinion. It was probably the smartest thought that came out of his mouth all damn day.

All week.

This whole month.

"I hope she's okay?" Isaac added and I agreed in my head. We walked back in silence, thinking about the mysterious girl who got tangled in our lives and what her life was like under the hood. Maybe she's a superhero and has to hide her identity to protect herself.

I'd rather that than the alternative.

I saw my mom's car in the driveway so she had to be home now from my grandparents. She visits them every Saturday, usually when she has off. Since she is a school teacher, she's off on the weekends.

"Hey Mom, we just dropped Jenny home, how's grandma and grandpa?" I asked, walking in the front door and slamming it shut behind me. In my friend's faces.

"Awww Jenny, you better invite her over again, you hear me? And Grandpa's got kidney stones again" she sighed from the living room couch, looking at her phone.

"Grandpa" I scolded as if he was here. My friends continuously banged on the door like madmen. I ignored them and my mom gave me a look. "Jenny will be here Monday after school to work on the project" I notified her.

"They want you to come visit too, and they want you to bring Jenny when you do" She teasingly smiled at me.

"Mom! Why'd you tell them about Jenny!?" I raised my voice slightly. She had to be crazy.

"You're on drugs" I added.

"What? My sons got an actual crush, sue me" She shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"I wouldn't say she's my crush" I looked down at the floor, finally unlocking the door for the dumbasses outside banging on it like baboons.

"Me neither, she's definitely your lover" Isaac had to open his mouth and I hit him in the groin. He bent over in pain.

"Y'all need to get this silly little idea out of your head" I ran my hands through my hair, fixing it from the wind when I walked her home.

I'm honestly a little freaked out about the cafe. I didn't even know what that man did or who he was but he upset her.

I wanted to put him in the ground.

Without even seeing her facial expressions, I saw the fear overtake her body and paralyze her for a second. It physically pained her to look at him or be near him.

It's gotta be her father, and he just broke her heart. I mean I couldn't imagine seeing my father with another woman, another family. It's despicable.

"You're thinking about her right now, aren't ya?" Jordan edged closer to me.

"Shut up"

I kicked them out of my house finally and told them all to go home. Their poor mothers now have to deal with them.

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