You don't like me, do you?

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After school was over I walked home. I missed my bus because the bus had changed and I didn't catch it in time. I walked home fast even though I didn't want to be there so soon. I didn't wait and stare at the door, I just walked right on up to it. I was hoping my father didn't notice. I opened the door but it was slammed back shut. I tried opening it again but he was much stronger than me.

"Dad?" I squeaked out, confused and worried. I tried to hide my panic.

"You were whoring around, weren't you?" I could hear his sneer through the door.

"Dad, no, I'm sorry I just missed my bus," I told him honestly.

"I'm not letting any whores in this fucking house! You aren't going to disrespect me like that. No no no!" He screamed at me.

"Dad please, I promise, I didn't do anything, Dad I didn't do anything" I begged him. He didn't respond. I tried to open the door again and again but it didn't budge. I couldn't hear him anymore though, he must've put something in front of it.

I banged on the door, "Dad please!" I cried.

"You're gonna sit out here all night! That plate cost me 20 motherfucking dollars!" She yelled at me. She threw two bags of peas at my feet.

"Kneel!" She demanded.

"Mommy please no, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'll be more careful, I promise!" I got down on my knees and begged her.

"I said. Kneel." She got close to my face. Her eyes didn't look how they normally did.

I did what she asked, I grabbed the peas and placed them under my knees. It felt super uncomfortable.

"You stay until I tell you that you're forgiven," she told me. She slammed the door in my face.

"What? Mom, Mom no! Mom, I'm scared-p-please don't, I don't like it out here!" I pleaded desperately. I got up off the peas and banged on the door nonstop for minutes. The door finally opened and I was relieved. The world around me lit up again. I wasn't alone anymore.

But it was my dad and I began to back up. He chucked his beer bottle at my head. The pieces shattering and going in all different directions, I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Your mother said to fucking kneel"

Everything within a foot of me disappeared and went dark. All I heard were the sounds of birds and crickets but distorted. I sat against the cold door for hours with my head in my lap.

I eventually couldn't take being out here all night, it got to be too much. I stood back up and pounded on the door like a madman.

"Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" I cried out angrily. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, YOU FAT BASTARD! You hear me! I'm here! I'm here! OPEN IT! LET ME IN" I screamed. I sounded crazy, I sounded like I was feral and needed to be put down to end my misery.

I got no response which in the end I was glad for. I called him a fat bastard, I would have had a foot to my face.

The door never opened and I wondered if it ever would, even in a few days. He never leaves the house, he has no reason to remove whatever is in front of it. I got up because I refused to sit and wait there until I lost my mind. It was dark by now but I didn't know what time it was, I didn't have a phone to check.

I was beyond infuriated. I don't like being home but I don't like being locked out either. I don't like doors being shut in my face and I can't get in. Not my doors. It terrifies me and I don't know why, I wish I wasn't.

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