Chapter 1 - PΔinful Beginnings

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"For when great immorality grimly begins dominating, fallen people shall rise from darkness forever; good prevails eternally."


Celestic Town, Sinnoh. Thursday, July 12th. 11:32am. Tekiyoku headquarters.

Lysandre: "My friends, the day is among us. We have two weeks until Arceus's Plates stop being dormant. At that point, we'll be able to finally collect them. But, there's one thing: we don't know where the Plates are."

Giovanni: "And that's where Alain comes in, right?"

Cyrus: "Right. As long as the Psychic Manipulators track Alain with Watchful Eye, we'll always know where he is."

Maxie: "But don't forget. Part of the Watchful Eye ability is that a Psychic Manipulator can sense when they're being tracked with Watchful Eye when in the same cities."

Colress: "Let's also not forget the ability Vigilant. Alain will be able to sense when we're nearby."

Tupp: "Yeah, but not a Ghost Manipulator! We can use them in our strategy!"

Lysandre: "Hey, hey, settle down. We'll discuss our game plan later. For now, let's focus on making sure we know where we're going. Not all of us will just follow Alain. Some will be dispersed to other regions in case he goes in a random pattern. We won't always track him, because it costs too much energy. Now, get ready. We are the largest and baddest villainous organization in this Pokémon World. The 60 of us will change this world for good and kill those who oppose us! We are... the Tekiyoku!"

All: "TEH-ROO!!!"

We're outside in Jubilife City, Sinnoh. Still Thursday, July 12th. 3:34pm.

Ash: "Finally here in Jubilife City! It's beautiful, Pikachu!"

Pikachu: *happily squeals and nods*

Ash: "This is where everyone went to Sinnoh Academy. But, the year's over and our friends are finally finished with it for good!"

This is Satoshi Ash Ketchum. Call him Ash. He's from Pallet Town in the Kanto region. He's very outgoing and energetic. The only reason he and Pikachu are here is because of a strange e-mail Ash received from someone days ago, saying it was urgent that they meet in this city on this day. The person provided enough proof to show it wasn't a scam.

Ash: "First stop, the Pokémon Center!"

Ash and Pikachu go to the nearest Pokémon Center and login on a computer, going to Ash's e-mails. First, here's what the old e-mail was, from last week:

"Hello, Ash Ketchum. My name is Alain Takahata and I'm from the Kalos region. I know you're from Kanto. I've been instructed to meet up with you. It is URGENT. I'll be fine with providing any proof you need that this is real. But, we cannot video call, because it might get traced. Just meet me in a week at Jubilife City in Sinnoh on Thursday, the 12th. Get there at 3:30pm. Bring enough essentials with you to travel with, because you might be gone for a long time. The fate of the entire Pokémon World may depend on your participation. When you get to Jubilife City, go to a Pokémon Center and check your e-mail AGAIN. By then, you'll have a new message with more specific details of where to go next. Follow it carefully! Also, let some friends who stay there know you're coming. Reply to this to let me know you're on board with this."

Ash had replied to that e-mail, and now, there's another new e-mail from Alain that reads as follows:

"Ash, if you're reading this, you should be at Jubilife City by now. Pay attention. First, if you have friends that live here, go to them and see if they'll let you stay with them for a week. If you can't get a friend to stay with, I have a backup plan. After that, you need to meet me in the back of Hailey's on 442 North 21st Avenue. That's an abandoned grocery store. Meet me there at 4:30pm. Do not be late. Don't be afraid, that's just a safe spot to meet where no one should be around. Don't reply, just do this."

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