Chapter 37: You're Not Δlone

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Ash: "What's Light Manipulation?"

Alain: "A unique extra Manipulation unknown to most people. Arceus meant it as a more powerful variant of Dark Manipulation for those who can overcome the evilness of the Manipulation itself. Every member of the Tekiyoku knows of its existence, but not many know the details of it, simply because no one ever wants to risk becoming a Dark Manipulator in the first place."

Ash: "Insane! So, I can become a Light Manipulator, too?"

Alain: "Not 'too', instead of. Light Manipulation replaces Dark Manipulation. It'd be your only Manipulation. Like Dark, it also can't be combined to make a Dual Manipulation, either."

Ash: "Whoa."

Alain: "I suppose this makes sense now. Arceus thinks you could be the first Light Manipulator ever. You were picked for Dark Manipulation, NOT because you're evil, but because you're SO kind, you can convert it to light. Interesting."

Ash: "So, I have a chance to do this?"

Alain: "I don't know. Dark is pretty powerful. Overcoming it won't be easy. But, you are kind. Annoying, but kind."

Dawn: "That's great, Sato--"

Alain: "No. Girl, let's set something straight. Only talk when you're holding the talky baton."

Dawn: "Umm... there is no talky baton."

Alain: *sarcastically* "Aww, raisins!"

Mallow: "Wow, Ash! You're more of a big deal than we thought!"

Ash: *nervous chuckle* "This is a lot of pressure, but I'll do my best!"

Alain: "I didn't bring the Manipulation up because I didn't know if telling you was worth you worrying about trying to acquire it, but after you told me Arceus wanted me to explain it, it confirmed that this was its true intentions. I assume the other two people who were made different Manipulators from birth have their own reasons."

Ash: "Yeah. So, what are the moves for Light Manipulation?"

Alain: "They're mostly new moves, but they behave mainly the same with extra effects. Except for one move that's completely new."

Ash: "Awesome! So you know all about them?"

Alain: "Of course!"

Ash: "So tell me about them!"

Alain: "No."

Ash: "What?!"

Kiawe: "Aww, come on. Don't you think you should explain it after all the stuff we've been hiding from them?"

Alain: "He and that girl named Girl have been hiding this Arceus stuff from me, too!"

Ash: "We're sorry for that. Why won't you tell us?"

Alain: "Because I am astounding!"

Dawn: "But shouldn't he--"

Alain: "NO! No talky baton! Look, I was hoping to only tell you if you actually become a Light Manipulator. We don't even know if you'll become one. Although... if you don't become one... you'll probably die."

Ash: "Really??"

Alain: "Well, this is why I got so upset at this news in the first place. All previous Dark Manipulators from ancient times have died because of the demon making them go on large rampages, ending in their demise. You have a while before that'd happen, but you better get your crap together. So, I guess I'll explain the moves, even if it's only to motivate you to become a Light Manipulator sooner."

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