Chapter Thirteen

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I remembered my promise to Wallace as I trudged down the grassy path to Fortree, that I would call him once I arrived. The way he waited until the last moment to tell me he could not come with me from now on.

"I have something to tell you." he shuffled nervously.

"It is that you have to return to Sootoplis, is it not?" I asked. I had talked to my father earlier and he had told me about how Juan had called and Wallace had not exactly told his master of the plan he had decided to make involving me. In turn his master was ordering him back, hopefully not to be punished.

I shook of the memory and continued walking, where exactly I did not know. From what Mr. Moore had told me was that all I had to do was walk in a straight line and I would end up in the next town sooner or later. Obviously I would never take the advice from him again.

"I am lost." I muttered to absolutely no one. Releasing my Metang from its ball to keep me company, I muttered "Who would have thought that I would miss the company of that blundering idiot."

"Either you're completely and utterly insane, or you've been out here too long, if you think that pokemon will respond to you."

"You never know." I mocked the woman's cocky tone "For all we know these pokemon can understand us and are mocking us for our stupidity."

I turned to the woman who insisted on ruining my nice, quiet, walk. She had long lavender hair that stood out against her light blue flight suit. Her bright lavender eyes flashed dangerously, like I was some sort of enemy.

"Yeah and I have the ability to fly!" She snapped.

"I do not know, if I let Metang, I am sure you could learn." I muttered.

She gasped at my sarcasm "I hope your Metang eats you!" She snapped.

"Do not get your hopes up."

"Who the hell are you anyway?" She growled.

"Steven, and you?"

She brushed stands of her windblown hair that escaped her ponytail out of her face. "Winona."

"Well now that we have introductions out of the way, where the hell am I?"

"I should just leave you here to figure it out on your own!" She snapped.

I shrugged "I will find it eventually, after all with your help it would probably take me longer than if I just found it myself."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are an asshole!" She spat.

"Almost every day of my life, now would you either help me find my way, or leave me to my peaceful walk." I growled at the anoying woman.

She smirked as one of her pokemon shot from its ball and she flew away. I looked up into the sky where the woman dissappeared off to. "Was it something I said?" I looked down at Metang. He gave me a dirty pokemon look. I sighed "Woman are harder to understand than caves, caves never complain when you talk to pokemon, and caves never bitch back." I muttered. Metang gave me a look of you are an asshole. "Aw thanks buddy, I need that from you as well!" I muttered.

It took me until the end of the day to even begin to find my way into the city.....

Or under the city.

I never expected the city of Fortree to be an entire city in the trees. Man Steven, you really need to listen to people when they talk...... Or find a decent map of the region, that could help.

After wandering throughout the small city I found myself on route one hundred and twenty. Might as well train a little before the battle.

I froze at the sight of the woman who complained at me earlier making out with someone I thought had to return to his master.

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