Chapter One

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"Steven what's happened to you? Come on! Go out side, explore! Do something other that sit on that couch and stare at the wall all day!" My father's receptionist tried to order me.

"I do not feel like it" I muttered in response. Then turned the page on the book I was not even trying to read.

I should explain, my father is the infamous Mr. Stone, president of the powerful Devon Corporation in the Hoenn region. Which makes me 'Mr. Stones kid' or 'Stones rich snotty son' many people do not even know my name, or what I even look like. It is simply because of my father's name that anyone has even given me a second glance, and I hate it. I simply want to read my book, which I have finishes many times in the past, and be left alone.

"Please Steven?" she begged.

"Eh" I shrugged from my spot on the tiny couch in the reception office.

"You know that if you sit here all day, people are going to begin thinking you are part of Mr. Stones decor" She retorted.

"If you did some work, then people would think you are part of Mr. Stones staff and not my babysitter" I muttered not looking up from my book.

She huffed, I heard a squeek, so I knew that she had sat down at her overly cluttered desk.

"Now I understand why your father leaves you here with us instead of taking you to meetings with him"

I stiffened, don't let her see that what she just said hurt me I thought.

"Yet you still have to put up with me, why, because the staff at our home wants nothing to do with me! So yes your stuck with me, if you want I'll go be a nuisance to someone else!" I snapped. I closed my book and stalked into my father's office.

His office was full of odd stones he had collected from all over the region. The view from his office looked over the city. I walked over to his cluttered desk, one time I asked him what all the papers were, he told me when I was older he would explain. Well I am now almost sixteen and he has still not explained them to me.

I noticed the faded picture of our family. My father before the gray hairs began to show his age, pitch black and neatly combed around his head, soft grey eyes glistening, arm wrapped around my mother. In the picture she had long, wavy, silver hair, like mine, and dark blue eyes. With me sitting between the two, I was only ten at the time. I had, or I should say have, messy silver hair, that no matter how hard I try never stays in and sort of combed fashion. Bright silver eyes, at the time they were dull from lack of sleep, and I was smiling happily in the picture. I think that was one of the last times our family seemed happy. Not soon after, my father found out that my mother was cheating on him with his assistant. My father divorced her, I have not seen her since. Why would she want to see the reason that she left my father, me. She blamed me for every problem that their marriage went through, the barely seeing each other, the arguments, and even the waiting for my father to come home from work at two in in the morning because of meetings, was all my fault.

I know that she was right, why else would they have broken up. The Stone family seemed perfect on the outside, wealthy business man husband, beautiful, sweet, wife, before I was born that is.

I reached out and touched the picture "I am sorry dad" I whispered.

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