Chapter 7: Youkai Street

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With the last match of the round fought, Genkai was herding the remaining fighters toward a new fighting ground.
"A swamp?" Yuusuke recognized dubiously – the old woman really was full of strange ideas
"This place feels strange..." Souta noted
"Numerous battle of old were fought in this place." the reiki master informed them "This is the most spiritually charged area of the mountain."

"We are regaining reiki point faster than before." Kazuma noted, eyeing the area bonus that had appeared in his Status Window
"The next match will be Kaze-Maru VS Urameshi Yuusuke." Genkai announced
The spirit detective stepped forward, facing the ninja.
"It's the bad luck of the draw that you're facing me." Kaze-Maru commented "After all I'm still rested while you've already fought once."
"Blah, blah, blah." Yuusuke dismissed the comment "Quit yapping and start fighting."

"If you insist!"
The ninja jumped toward Yuusuke, ready to unleash a flurry of strike – but Yuusuke dodged low, using reiki to enhance his steps given the slippery nature of the ground. Barely dodging the leather enhanced fists, and having seen previously how lethal hey could be, the ninja jumped back, choosing the safer option of long-range attacks.
Yuusuke easily dodged the shuriken flying his way – but he'd come near enough to feel the reiki imbuing them. As such he wasn't too surprised when he felt the weapons coming back toward him like so many deadly boomerang.

Dodging a second time, his eyes widened as one of the razor-sharp star exploded upon hitting the dead tree near which he was...
"That's right!" laughed Kaze-Maru Not only do these beauties hone on reiki, they'll also explode on impact, so even if you dodge them, you'll still be caught by the explosion!"
Yuusuke smirked at the man who was dumb enough to explain his own attack.
After he'd said the star honed on reiki.
And if Yuusuke's own reiki disappeared, then the next target would be the ninja himself...

Wisps of shadow seemed to gather around the teenager, who charged the ninja – of course, said ninja didn't let the surprising attack unanswered, charging reiki in his hand in what would probably be a powerful attack.
But the second before hitting Kaze-Maru, Yuusuke dodged between his legs, the shadows around him suddenly muting his aura.
While his reiki wasn't gone – between his own, diminished aura, and the ninja's powerful attack charging, the shuriken didn't waste a second going after the bigger target, exploding right in their owner's face.
"Not bad." Souta whistled, impressed "I hadn't realized you were already able to hide your aura!"

"That's one of the basic training exercise Tsuki-chan gave me." Yuusuke answered "I hadn't realized how it could be useful in a fight until now!" then pulling a face "Arg! You've infected me, I'm calling that Moon brat chan now!"
"I knew you cared Yuu-chan!" said Moon brat laughed, having wondered if he'd realized it – but not too surprised either given how much time he spent with Souta
The litany of profanity that followed was rather entertaining, but Genkai was soon ignoring it to the profit of starting the next fight...

"Shaolin VS Souta."
"The moment you're in danger we're interfering." Yuusuke informed the young priest seriously, having stopped his grumbling at the announcement
"I know." the other answered just as seriously, before adding with a small smile "Thanks."

"So," Genkai asked Tsukiko, having of course not missed the discreet tension now inhabiting Team Kismet and their mentor "mind filling me in on what's going on?"
"This boy is not a reiki user." Tsukiko simply affirmed, just as Souta took his nanigata out, rushing toward the seemingly young boy
Who dodged far more nimbly than expected from his earlier performances.
"What do you mean?" Genkai focused on him "There is something strange about his powers..." she realized

"He must have stolen some technique that confuse the senses up to a certain level." Kurama realized "After all, it's only because we knew he was there, and were actively searching for him that we sensed him, even thought he was in the middle of an assembly of reiki users..."
"You"re more dangerous than I expected." the young boy commented, a large smile on his face, before taking a new posture, power swirling around him
"This..." Genkai recognized
"Fiery palms!"

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