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Written by:khadyjatt


Everyone knows betrayal hurt and we equally all handle it differently while some stay quiet others take action some can be vengeful and mami certain choose the vindictive part here, she wasn't only hurt but surprised the fact that her daughter died in her absence and jannah not faisal informed her feels like a backstabbed to her, she didn't say much rather she just go to her bedroom to mull over everything,
So if jannah did loss the pregnancy why is faisal perfectly fine to this moment she barely comprehend everything when her son in-law call and inform her Amirah is been taken to the psychiatric clinic narrating the bizarre situation that occurred that morning as mami sit confused, she quickly called the mallam and narrate to him who make it clear to her that isn't anything he can do about it moreover he told her to be sure he was asleep to avoid the consequences,
She sat for good 1hour just speechless and confused,
So now she got to lose her husband and kids all at once?
She isn't and never going to accept these harsh reality, she still couldn't process the fact that she saw faisal and jannah but they failed to even share the news with her jannah would face the consequences because without her none of these would have happened she is that thin line between the good life and bitter life, since she married faisal everything begin to fall apart in the family and now her husband even marry without her consent something he would never ever thought of doing she grab her handbag and remove the remaining amulet and charms she supposed to complete the procedure.

She remove the black waterproof she fetched some sand on her way and grab the empty container, she put small quantity of the sand and throw the amulet inside chanting how bitterly she wants jannah to hate her husband, she pour the remaining sand and cover the amulet before closing the container she put it inside the black waterproof she would throw it later now where can she find a corpse to put these inside it, the thought of jasrah cross her mind and she sigh, jannah deserve to die because she was the one that killed her daughter it would've been her now Amirah facing the same faith,
Why are things falling apart for her?
She need to finished with faisal and jannah before she embark on her own personal life, there's no way she is staying with a rival, never ever she cannot if it means Alhaji dieing so be it she lost all children so he can die for all she cares.

She lay down to rest but couldn't and decide to go throw the container that way at least jannah and faisal will lack peace just as she lack at the moment she will find a corpse no matter what jannah and faisal must be seperated for good at any cost even it means she doing the must sinful of Evil.

Note:Evil eyes are real so when you wake up everyday Recite these to protect yourself
"A'oothu bikalmaatil laahit taammaati min kulli shaitaanin wa haammaatin, wa min kulli aynin lammah.
(O Allah!I seek refuge with your perfect words from every devil, from poisonous pests and from every evil, harmful and envious eyes)

Sitted quietly in the parlor jannah sigh, she's been sitting there since they got back her mind heavy and her body restless goosebumps all over and her heart won't stop beating rapidly and suddenly she feel feverish but she didn't move she just sat there wondering what more obstacle life have installed for her.

"J."faisal call walking down the stairs as he knitted his brow at the crouch position she's in her head on the couch.

"J."he call kneeling next to her and lift her head.
"What happened?

"I don't feel well."she say with a sniff and wipe her tears.

"Stop crying,
Where's paining you ?
Should we go back to the hospital?

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