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"But what if someone sees you there Boss?" Taehyung's right hand, Jimin, worries.

"Jimin, It's a concert, no one will know I'm there and if they do, I'll just have to kick ass. I am going to this concert though. Getting to see Jungkook live is an experience I must have at least 10 times in this lifetime." sternly replying Taehyung continues getting ready for the concert. He eyes his photocard binder in the corner, wondering which one of them will grace his phone cover and wallet for this momentous occasion.

"Nothing special about this Jungkook guy anyway." Taehyung tunes Jimin out, rolling his eyes and flicking through his binder with fervor, "Watch your words, Jimin." his voice sounding harsher than normal.

Jimin wonders how Taehyung manages to sound so harsh with such a besotted expression on his face, courtesy of the idol's photocards he is currently pursuing with more interest than he pursues a traitor in his gang.

Turning Taehyung around and meeting his best friend's eyes once more, "Fine. I apologize for that statement. But I'm coming with you to the concert just in case."

At least that way I'll also get to see Jungkook on stage.

Almost as if reading Jimin's thoughts, Taehyung lets out a soft chuckle, "If you wanted to go too, that's all you had to say."

Jimin never admits the fact he likes Jungkook's music too. "Don't forget the lightsticks, Taehyung."

Leaving their home far ahead of time, they both reach the venue, vibrating in excitement, one internally and one externally. The two men dressed in matching outfits from Jungkook's latest music video, step up to the entrance, "Take off your bags and place them in the bin here, and pass me your tickets."

Jimin passes the guard their tickets and bags so he can check them thoroughly, "Thank you, enjoy the concert." Both of them show a wide grin and nod.

"We definitely have to get so much more merch, Jimin." the mob boss says with his eyes wide,

"Yeah yeah, It's not like you already don't have two rooms filled with merch. Anyway, I knew it was a good idea to bring extra money, you're definitely gonna buy out all the merch." rolling his eyes fondly, Jimin replies.

The men can't get settled in their seats as Taehyung isn't able to sit still. Jimin understands Taehyung's excitement, hell, he is so fucking excited himself but he's sure if this continues that either they will be kicked out or Taehyung will end up injured.

Both of those options will yield a sulky as fuck mob boss that Jimin does NOT wanna deal with, even with the threat of death. Thankfully, Jungkook makes his appearance, but unfortunately for Jimin's eardrums, Taehyung begins to scream at the top of his lungs causing concerned looks from Jimin, "If you keep going you're gonna lose your voice." the younger ignores every word from the hater next to him.

"I have to be the loudest, how else will I get him to notice me?" Continuing to dance to the music, Jungkook announces that he's going to be singing a new song. As the beat starts, Taehyung starts dying and falls deeper for Jungkook's angelic voice,

"Weight of the world on your shoulders, I kiss your waist and ease your mind~" all Taehyung can think about is how Jungkoook is making him lose his mind, eons away from easing it, his eyes shine like the galaxies reside in them while watching his star in front of him.

Making eye contact with Jungkook, the next line makes Taehyung go feral, "You wrap around me and you give me life, and that's why night after night, I'll be fucking you righttt~~" Recognising Taehyung from innumerable fan signs as light shines directly on his face, Jungkook winks towards his biggest fanboy and continues his show, while Taehyung screams the loudest he ever has, knowing his favorite person in the world noticed him and sang those words directly to him.

Later, once the concert ends, Taehyung and Jimin are escorted backstage.

Jungkook makes full on the promise he made to Taehyung. Taehyung always gloats to Jimin about how his sore throat got him his dream boyfriend.

IN LOVE WITH AN IDOL | TAEKOOK ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now