Chan's Sister Visits the Brothel pt 1

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Victoria- Chandler's Sister

Chan's POV

Today, for once, has been a pretty decent day. Though even thinking those words has me paranoid that pain with pierce me like a knife and things will come crumbling down around me.

So I don't allow myself to relax or get too excited as I finish up my rounds of the Brothel for restock, the building , and district for that matter, is mostly asleep now at twelve in the afternoon. It's typically unusual to see anyone after sunrise in most parts of the region with sunset providing the marker of a new night.

Other regions find it deplorable the way we sleep all day only to fuck and party all night, but it's their greed and lust thag fill our bodies and our pockets every night.

Amused and light hearted I enter my office, welcomed by a still warm cup of tea that I left sitting on my desk. Thomas and Chandler are resting after their week long stake out mission I had them do in Vilin- against my better judgement. The two were lucky to escape with their lives but they managed to give the perfect lead on an issue I've been keeping track of. Since they're so worn out, I sent Azoria and Devon out to follow up on the information, and the two should be back any moment.

As I wait for them I decide to get some paper work out of the way.

I unlock my bottom left drawer of my desk, pulling out the secret official documents of my Brothel. Only three people alive know about this, me being one of them. If anyone else other than Thomas or Chan found out, I will be tortured and made an example out of for the rest of the PD to see.

Some might wonder what's so important that I would risk my life making and hanging on to something that would get me in trouble but too important to trust elsewhere.

And the answer is simple and complicated all at once.

The Pleasure District, or PD for short, is just another region that has pledged it's allegiance to the country of Kaulike, which means, just like everyone else, there are taxes that we have to pay. The PD is owned and governed by a Hybrid on the governments payroll, Lady Talisea- a Succubus-Angel Hybrid. She rules the district with a tight fist, with the protection of Vilin and the High Council, Lady Talisea charges double for taxes and sometimes pops up for random fees. If you live here rent will raise, if you own a brothel you have to chuck over 30% of all profits over from every employee in service, not even overall. I grind my teeth as I think about how much money she's been able to lawfully steal from me.

There's have been very few people that have the balls to try to pull one over on Talisea, and all that have tried either got away with it and wisely kept quiet, or died a horrible, public gruesome death.

Even still, I refuse to give an inch, even knowing the risks.

The hidden papers reveal that I've managed to funnel about thirty thousand dollars of my own money into an anonymous account. While it sounds like a lot, it's not money I let myself touch. If someone gets caught by Vilin, held hostage by a mark or we need cash for an important auction, I don't want to draw attention to myself or lose out because I'm running away rushing for money.

That, and because the numbers don't add up. Though I'm one of the better off and popular brothels, Talisea still only allows for a rotation of about ten sex Daemons per Brothel, at least four bartenders and six guards, allowing for a staff of twenty since Talisea herself oversees the cleaning, always making sure there's nothing going on without her approval. But instead of abiding by these numbers, I've done things a bit differently. I have fifteen sex Daemons on my pay roll, with five bartenders and ten guards. That's ten over the allocated number. But the other thing Talisea doesn't know is that Blessed Night is also a dealer of information and secrets, meaning that I'm often switching my employees out for missions all over Kaulike, sometimes gone for weeks at a time. I even have a trump card of information over Lady Talisea herself, thanks to Thomas and Chloe but I chose to hold onto it until the moment I truly need it.

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