Alessandro's p.o.v

24 0 2

God this girl.


She made me mad, furious actually.

So I've been doing everything I can do to ignore her.

I've been off and on with Emma, I have spent a lot more time in the gym too.

But when she decided to walk into school today with, My enemies then you know, I have to stare at her.

And goddamn that outfit.

I can't help but watch her. I start twisting one of my rings around and around.

Kase is watching me watch her. Then all of a sudden she looks at me. She looks down at my hands, which are still fiddling with my ring.

I watch her, I can't help myself.

She meets my gaze.

Kase says something, she shrugs.

She looks at him, they are now both staring at each other and their faces are kinda close.

Why am I getting mad at this?

I hate how she has this weird affect on me.

She walks off. I get up from where I was sitting.

I follow after her. I grab her and shove her into an empty classroom.

I don't shove her hard. Just enough to get her in there.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I ask. Technically I have been ignoring her but she has been ignoring me as well.

"What are you talking about?" She says "You've been Ignoring me for over a week!" She's moody.

I don't say anything, because I have been ignoring her. I'm afraid that if I don't I will want her worse than I already do.

"You have nothing to say because you know I am right!" She yells.

I step back.

"Why are you mad?" I stare at her.

She goes quiet "I'm not." She basically whispers.

"Does it make you mad that I have been Ignoring you?" I observe her.

She's now looking at the floor, she was looking at me. But now she's gotten all shy.

I step closer to her. "Does it?"

She doesn't answer. I take a step forward and she takes two big steps backwards.

"Darling, are you gonna keep ignoring me?" I take two steps forward and she takes three steps backwards and smacks into the wall with her back.

I take this time to get even closer.

If I take another step her boobs will be right against me.

She is looking everywhere but my eyes. I am seriously affecting her.

"Do I make you nervous, darling?" I smirk.

She literally avoids my gaze.

"Are you attracted to me?" I am now right up against her.

She closes her eyes and keeps her head tilted to the ground.

I grab her chin, and make her look at me. She won't open her eyes.

This stubborn little brat.

"Open your eyes, darling." I demand

She doesn't.

"Open your eyes or I will open them myself tonight"

That gets her eyes open. She's staring at me now.

"Do I make you nervous?" I look at her lips then back at her.

She shakes her head no.

"So what will happen if I kiss you?" I look dead at her

She won't do anything.

I lean down so our lips are two inches apart.

She stops breathing. She tries to keep her eyes on mine but she fails.

She looks down at my lips. I start to get closer. I graze her lips.

She's giving in. She's been fighting me so hard but she's letting her guard down. Usually I would use it against the girls that do. But I can't bring myself to do this to her.

I can feel her lips against mine and am about to kiss her til the door flies open.

She moves away from me and hurry's out the door.

"What the fuck?" Ron says.

I groan and shove past him.

I almost had her.

God, I need her.

I can't keep fighting against my wants, because you know what?

I want and need her. 

              Hey sooo not my best wasn't to sure about it lmk what you think. 

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