Prince Arthur

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Morgana's pov

'I've searched the almost the whole castle and the town and I haven't even seen him' I thought angrily.

Night had fallen on Camelot and I looked out the window at the place where I had seen the boy,it was as if a stared at it long enough I could find where he had gone. I heard footsteps behind my so I turned around,it was Uther. I stared into those cold eyes, the eyes of a killer'How many people have to die before your satisfied' "Yes""What is it,why aren't you joining us at the feast""I just don't think chopping someone's head off is cause for celebration" then I looked out the window and said"That poor mother ""It was simple justice for what he had done"'Simple justice, you killed him' "To whom,he just practiced some magic,he didn't hurt anyone ""You weren't around 20 years ago,you don't know what it was like"'Well it isn't 20 years ago' "How long are you going to punish people for what happened then""In till they realise that there is no room for magic in my kingdom,you will be with my when I greet Lady Helen "I felt angrier rise inside of me and I said with as much force as I could"I told you,I won't be a part of this"and Uther turned around and I knew that if that I had pushed the limits "I am your guardian,I expect you to do as I ask, if you show me no respect then at least respect our finest singer""and without another word he stormed off in a rage, just before he left the hall I shouted "You know the more brutal you are the more enemies you'll create" and I heard the door slam, I looked out the window for a moment then I walked back to my room.

Merlin's pov

I woke up and the sun was in my eyes so I turned my head in the other direction and looked around thinking'Well let's go face a new day'. I got dressed and walked downstairs pulling on my brown jacket and I saw Gaius putting some porridge into a bowl and said "I got your water, you didn't wash last night""I'm sorry"I mumbled then Gaius said "Help yourself to breakfast" putting the bowl on the table, I sat down and for moment I just stared at it then I picked up the spoon and tipped the porridge back into the bowl and thought'When am I going to get used to this place?' then Gaius knocked the bucket off the table and without saying anything my eyes flashed and it froze in midair, bucket, water and all for a moment me and Gaius just looked at each other and the bucket crashed to the floor and water splashed everywhere. I quickly got a mop and started cleaning it up while Gaius to the cupboard and picked up two vials and said "you can help me until we find some work for you,here holycork leaf for Lady Percival and this is for Sir Olwen,he's as blind as a bat so warn him not to drink it all at once" he gave me the vials and a sandwich and I walked towards the door when Gaius said " Oh and Merlin, I need hardly remind you that the practice of any form of enchantment will get you killed"and smiling I left the room.

Munching on my sandwich I walked up to a door and knocked. A old man with almost completely white eyes opened it and I said " I brought you your medicine " the man's hand shot out and I put the vial in his hand and turned to go when I remembered what Gaius had said,and said " oh and Gaius said don't drink it all ",the man tipped back his head  and the portion was gone,for a moment I just stood there in shock then said to the old man "Sure its fine" then I left.

I walked through the courtyard and the gate and heard someone say "Where is the target?"and Some else said "There" then I saw a servant  surrounded by knights with his arms full of weapons,and a knight with blonde hair and said "See to the sun" and the servant said "It's not that bright"and knight with blonde hair and said "A bit like you then " and the servant said something, then he put the weapons on the ground and picked up a shield and started to walk away from the knights, I saw the blonde haired knight pick up a dagger then it hit the shield, and the servant stopped and stared at the dagger in fearand said "Hey,hang on"then the knight yelled "Don't stop" and servant walked over to a different place and said"Here" and the knight said "I told you to keep moving", the servant was struggling to keep hold of the shield looked terrified'Don't any of those knights even care about how the servant feels' and the knight said "Come on,run" and the servant starting running as more daggers fell on to the shield,and the knight said "I want so moving target practice" the servant a bit more, then he dropped the shield and started crawling behind it, as it rolled towards me. I stopped it with my foot and the servant looked up at me, and I said "Hey, come on that's enough" and the blonde turned around and said "What" then I said " You've had your fun my friend" and he started walking towards me and said "Do I know you?""Ar, I'm Merlin" I said holding out my hand and the knight and said "So I don't know you""No""Yet you called me friend"'I said that?' "That was my mistake""I think so" the knight said,I smiled and said "Yeah, I never had a friend that could be such an ass" and I turned to go when the knight said " Or I one that could be such an idiot, tell me Merlin do you know how to walk on your knees"and I said"No""Let me help you"'I'd like to see you try' "I wouldn't if I were you ""Why what are you going to do to me?'Maybe turn you into a pig' "You have no idea""Be my guest"'Really' "Come on, come on"then he lowed his voice and said "Come on"and I threw a punch which he caught then he pulled my arm behind my back and I felt the pain tear through it "I'll have you in jail for that"Who do you think you are, the king""No, I'm his son Arthur" then he forced me to the ground. 

As the guards toke me down to the cells I thought 'Great job Merlin, you've just got yourself a free pass to the cells,but on the bright side I'm not getting my head chopped off' and I was thrown into the cell.

Gwen's pov

I was cleaning up Morgana's room, making the bed, washing the clothes, I was shaking a blanket out the window to get the dust off when I saw a servant being the target for Prince Arthur,I watched as the servant started to run while Prince Arthur threw daggers at it and the servant dropped the shield and crawled behind it'That poor servant,Prince Arthur is so mean' then a boy with black hair stopped the shield then said something I couldn't hear and Prince Arthur turned around then started walking towards the boy then he stopped just in front of him and then the boy and Arthur started speaking to each other and wished I could hear what they were saying  and then the boy started to walk away then Arthur said something else and the boy stopped and turned around 'Oh no,this can't be good' and faced Arthur and I turned around for a couple of moments and turned to see the boy throw a punch that Arthur caught then twisted the boy arm behind the his back'That boy must of annoyed Arthur in some way,he must be new because I've never seen him before', I watched as the guards toke the boy away'He must be very brave to stand up to Arthur for that servant'.

Morgana walked in looking disappointed, I wondered why she looked like that but I instead I told her about the boy and Prince Arthur and that I thought the boy was new here and her face changed,but only for a moment,she asked me what the boy looked like 'Why would she ask me that?' " From what I could see,he had black hair and blue eyes" and Morgana's face lit up with joy,then she got up and ran to the door.'Why would Morgana just leave like that when mentioned that boy, Maybe...' I smiled at the thought and went back to cleaning.

Hi everyone I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. I sorry if I kept you waiting but I have a ridiculously annoying little sister. I promise I will update as soon as possible. Hellcat5000.

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