Chapter 2 - Introductions

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"Good morning, Kazuha. Are the girls around? I'm here to introduce your new manager." Yoon interrupts your thoughts. And apparently Kazuha's as well, given the fact that she hasn't taken her eyes off you yet.

"Kazuha?" Yoon asks again, breaking the girl out of her trance.

"Oh, yes. Sorry please come in." She steps aside and you both enter. As you walk by you make eye contact again and you give a smile before reaching you hand out for a shake.

"I'm Y/N, it's a honor to meet you Kazuha."

She takes your hand and you can feel a mutual tremble in each of your's touch. "It-it's an honor, I mean privilege's nice to meet you as well!" She quickly turns a pink shade in the face and disappears to the other room before you hear multiple footsteps approaching. You brace yourself for whatever social anxiety might come crashing down over you in the next few seconds.

"Hi." A tiny voice appeared from behind you, making you nearly jump out your skin. One manchae appeared from out of no where with a wave. "I'm Eunchae. Nice to meet you, Y/N."

"Manchae don't go scaring her like that. Apologies for her. She's a puppy just waiting to play most the time. I'm Chaewon." The leader of the group bowed slightly and, after your brain restarted from the whole ordeal, you reciprocated the bow.

"I see you survived. Nice to see you again. Hope your ready for these headaches." Sakura came closer to you. "And, as I've told Chaechae here, if you need any help or advice in future times I'll be glad to help in whatever way I can. At least maybe offer an opinion or such. As long as you're cool at least." she says before blinking intensely at you.

"Pretend she winked it'll be easier on her pride." Yunjin said to the side earning a smack to the shoulder from Sakura. "Nice to meet you but better to meet me." She says with finger guns and a wink before cringing at herself in record time. "Sorry. You from the area? You look like a fish outta water if I may say so."

"Actually no, I'm from America. I was just on vac-"

"YESSSS SOMEONE I CAN GOSSIP WITHHHH." Yunjin sang while giving you a high five. "We're so going shit talking over some Americano's some day. It's a date. Thank me later."

You laugh at her antics before you turn to your left and see a very red in the ears Kazuha. You slowly take a step to her causing her to slowly look up again. "Feeling okay? I hope I didn't scare you or anything at the door. It's nice to meet you though, Kazuha."

"No no it's fine! I'm sorry for making you think that I just...I have a hard time to get out of my shell to new people, still. It took a bit with the girls but, I'll do my best to get out with you." She offers a shy smile.

"You can't just ask our new manager out Zuha calm yourself." Yunjin quickwitted while dragging her over towards her leaving you and Zuha a incredible red shade at her comment.

"N-no I wasn't asking-" Kazuha managed to get out.

"Gosh you're unbearably cute when you're teased. If you do want to take her out tho, know it will be brought up over our Americano's." Yunjin nudged her before pointing at Y/N. "No one likes to kiss and tell, but if you do kiss, please tell me." She winked before walking back to the front room.

You release a breath you didn't realize you had been holding in. "Is she always...ya know..."

"Yunjin is a handful. Chaewon hasn't done her best on training that one manners." Sakura joked earning a shoulder hit from Chaewon.

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