Chapter 3: A Shocking Turn

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The final round of questions was truly heating up. So far, the scores were neck and neck at 14 questions each. But little did Mario know, the deciding question was coming...

Bob: For our last topic, we'll be quizzing Science. What is the chemical symbol for the element sodium?

Timothy: As an element critical for bodily functions, the symbol for sodium is Na. 🧪

Bob: Correct! Now for you Mario...

Mario: Let me think real hard about this...uhhh sodium...S?! 🤨

The crowd gasped in disbelief at Mario's mistake. 

Bob: I'm sorry Mario but the right answer was indeed Na. And with that correct response, Timothy has won the match 15-14! 🏆

Mario hung his head low, not wanting to meet the eyes of his defeated pup spectators. How could he blow the final question?

Timothy: Good game Mario, we all have an off day. Join me for snacks to cheer up? I'll share my victory treats! 🍪

Mario: Maybe later buddy, I need to sulk a bit... 😔

Despite Timothy's kindness, Mario slinked away, hanging his head in embarrassment. There was only one solution - a rematch!

Dejected, Mario wandered Peach's Castle in search of comfort

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Dejected, Mario wandered Peach's Castle in search of comfort. The first friend he found was Luigi, who tried offering pasta.

Luigi: Cheer up bro! Pastas always make you feel better, see? 🍝

Mario: Not this time Lugi, I blew it big time! How will I face everyone?

Next he confided in Peach, hoping her wisdom could cheer him.

Peach: Oh Mario, don't be so hard on yourself. True victory comes from trying your best! 👸

Mario: Easy for you to say...

Mario slammed his fist on the table in frustration, fed up with Peach's lack of support.

Mario: I can't believe her! Acting like it's no big deal. 😡

Luigi: There, there bro. Why not blow off some steam? I have an idea... 😈

The next evening, under cover of darkness, the group put Luigi's mischievous plan into action.

Peach: Huh? What's that noise out heeeeeere?! 😧

She screamed as a well-placed pitfall trap sent her tumbling into the mud.

Mario: Looks like someone needs to be dethroned! 😆

Peach: Give it back you ruffians! This means war! 

Mario: Na.

Mario went to see his friends and practiced so hard for the competition he was not going to fluff easily again.

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