ii. it'll be fine

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Freya was sat sideways on Rosita's lap as she looked out the window. She learned the three other people's names. The girl was Rosita, the guy with long black hair was Eugene, and the tough ginger guy was Abraham. She was a bit intimidated by the two of them. But they did save her according to Eugene. He was explaing the situation to her, but rosita shushed him. Freya didn't get why. Mommy only shushed people when the monsters were around.

"How many were in your group girly?" Abraham asked her as he drove, causing Freya to look at him confused. She never learned numbers.

"Um.." She mumbled quietly as she looked down at her hands, trying to even think of how to count. Rosita already knew what was wrong, her nephew would have only been a year older then her. She doubted education was on anyone's priority during the Apocolypes.

" Okay how about you name the people in the group?" She suggested with a small smile.

. Freya looked up at her with a nod, her eyes lighting up as she smiled. "Okay!" She nodded. " There is me, mommy, daddy, Mandie, James, Steve, Austin, Ava and Jackson" She listed off. " Mandie is my favourite, other then mommy and daddy" She added, passionately talking about her group.

"Eight, not including her." Eugene mumbled. Rosita had a bad feeling about lying to her about her parents. Sure she was young but it wasn't fair.

" When can I go back to them? " Freya asked as she looked at Abraham, he had been the one to convince her to go with them.

"...It'll be a while. They wouldn't want you going back yet with how busy they are. I grew up with your Mom" He told her, going off rositas earlier lie. He knew lying was wrong, especially about the kid's parents death. But would she had even gone with them if he told her the truth? knowing kids, she would've run right back to the camp to try and see her parents.

"Oh okay then! If mommy trusts you then I do too" Freya told him. Her voice as sweet as sugar and as innocent as a pup. Her smile was the same any child would have when getting an ice cream or getting to watch their favourite cartoon before school.

She glanced back out the window as rosita gave Abraham a look of disapproval. This wasn't fair.

" How old are you?" Rosita asked her. Freya shrugged in response.

" Some age" She responded.Rosita just gave her a small smile and nodded. Freya was too innocent for this world. She didn't know people were dying, that the world wasn't normal, even if it was her normal.

The monsters under the bed that kids used to be scared of, were walking around everywhere. Rosita sighed quietly and looked out the windshield window. The world was so fucked up. But once Eugene cured the world, they'd bring her back to her parents and be on their way, if that was how the cure even worked.

Later that night, Abraham had stopped the truck after being convinced by Rosita. She knew they needed sleep, Freya especially. So, the four sat on the trailer of the truck. Abraham decided to take first watch. He thought he was the only one awake, but he glanced over at Freya from where she layed.

She was hugging her stuffed animal. It was a small stuffed bear. It didn't look too worn out, but judging by the stuffing he saw by her bag, she must have had it a while for it to be torn. There was also a giant book by the bag. definitely wasn't her's. With the other two sleeping, he quietly made his way down to her. He set down the gun by his feet, trying to not intimidate her.

He remembered the fear in his wife and children's eyes when they saw him covered in blood. It was something he'd never forget, and something he never wanted to see again.

"What you doing awake huh?" He said to her quietly as he crouched down. Freya's blue eyes glanced up at him. She looked so tired, but she also looked worried.

"I'm scared mommy and daddy arn't okay" She said, her voice slightly shaking.. Fuck, what was he meant to tell her? He nodded before speaking.

"As long as your okay, I'm sure their okay too" Abraham responded, trying to just avoid telling her they were safe or alive. he decided to change the subject quickly.

"Who's that li'l guy?" He asked as he nodded towards the stuffed bear. He was making sure to be quiet so the others couldn't hear, he didn't want to wake them. He planned on talking to Freya until she fell asleep. It used to work for his kids.

" Leaf" She smiled slightly. Abraham chuckled. It was the oddest name. Bear would be normal but leaf?

" Leaf? How come you picked that name?" He asked.

"Daddy said it was the first word I knew" She said. She knew 'mama' and 'dada' before hand, but that was just her first general word.

"Smart name" He said, smiling slightly. "I'm guessing that's not your book either?" He asked as he tilted his head towards the book. Freya sat up and shook her head with a quiet giggle.

"It's mommy's. She lets me carried it around" She told him. Though she never carried her bag with her old group. Abraham opened the book, it was dark but he could make out what the pages were about.

"Stars huh?" He mumbled as he looked back at her. She was looking up at the sky. Her eyes were searching for somthing, as if trying to make out a shape or form.

"Yeah. I don't know what is what yet. Mommy always did though" She said, ending her sentence with a yawn.

" 'm sure rosita or eugene will teach you tomorrow" He told her, gently pushing her shoulder so she'd lay down, he could see how tired she was. he stood up from where he had crouched down and glanced back out at the roads.

He glanced at the other two. Eugene and Rosita were fast asleep. He still didn't know how eugene was going to cure the world exactly, but if it meant putting an end to all this, he was all for getting him to washington DC.

And he was glad he found his girl rosita along the way. He grabbed his gun, glancing over at freya with a quiet chuckle seeing her fast asleep, her stuffed bear loosely hanging in her arms. He held his gun in his hand as he kept watch. Tomorrow would be an interesting day unknown to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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