Chapter 4:

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I laid on the hotel rooms balcony, watching cars fly by. Nash was inside trying to sleep, I did too but just couldn't. Now, the people in the next room over are fighting so loud it's giving me a headache...

There wasn't much to do now, it was almost evening. I'm starving...- The yelling got louder, making me jump. I gritted my teeth, sighing. I stood up and slid the door wide open.

Nash laid with his eyes half shut, forcing himself to stay awake. His eyes flickered shut before another yell making them shoot open. A losing game, like betting on a horse with two broken legs.

"You can't sleep with the noise huh?" I asked, leaning against the door. Nash shook his head, groaning."It's just so loud.." He groaned, turning over and placing the pillow over his head. I made a soft "hm" noise and turned around.

"Bree..?" He asked as I walked back on the balcony."Shut up!!' I yelled, smirking to myself as Nash watched me with a shocked expression.

"Wow.." He muttered as I laughed. The neighbors balcony door slam shut, almost enough to shatter the glass. I smiled at him, he nodded as he lowered his head back to his pillow."Thanks.." He whispered as I collapsed on the bed next to his.

Nash had his eyes closed now, whisked away by the desperation for rest. I sighed, pressing my face into the cool pillows. I'm so hungry, this is torture... But he just got to sleep..

I wonder if they have any vending machines around? I could grab the key card and get some, I do have a bit of cash.. I hoped off the bed, tiptoeing across the room. I grabbed the key card and made my way to the door.

I eased it open, making my way out quiet as I could. I really don't want to disturb him much since he just got to sleep. He is the one driving the car I may be stuck in a while...


I got some chips, and a pastry, and a candy bar, and- Okay maybe I did get a little more than I needed, but I'm not sure when Nash will be up or take me to get food again.. I continued walking up the stairs, we were on the 4th floor, I found the vending machines on the 2nd. It took me a while to find them honestly.

Now, I just need to make myself back into the room quietly..-

"Oh. Sorry.." My eyes met Nash's blue ones, he looked like he had been running, his shoulders rising and falling as he caught his breath. He stood at the top of the staircase I was climbing, scratching his cheek.

I furrowed my brows, coming up the final flight of steps."Did I wake you?" I asked and Nash bit his cheek."I thought you were going to find police or leave.." He whispered, covering his mouth as his cheeks turned a bit pink.

My lips parted before I pinched them back shut. I shook my head and walked back up the stairs. Part of me is startled, the other half feels a bit bad he looked worried.

"I just needed something to eat. You were fast asleep.." I explained, making eye contact with him. I grabbed my oatmeal pie, offering it to him."I haven't seen you eat, or drink for that matter. You should." I smiled, but Nash shook his head.

"No, I'll get a glass of water and go back to sleep.." He sighed, turning around and starting back to the room.

In the same minute, he paused, snapping back to me."Do you have the key??" Panic laced his voice and I jumped, nodding fast enough to shoot a pain through my head. I regret that...

He let out a relieved sigh, which confused me more.

"It's not that big of a deal, we can always explain we lost it in there-" "We aren't here legally, we can't go ask.." He whispered, leaning forward so I could hear him better.

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