Immediate Murder Professionals

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        The notorious realm of the afterlife where demons roam and those whose souls are damned for eternity as a result of their actions back when they were alive.

        A world where the very concept of chaos itself reigns supreme.

        At first glance, some may call it by many names depending on whichever one of its Nine Rings they were in: horrifying, extravagant, disorderly.

        But if there was one thing every area of the realm had in common, it would be that there was always at least a group or two more than willing to get their hands even dirtier if it meant increasing their chances at survival in Hell.

        And one of said groups was the Immediate Murder Professionals, commonly known by their acronym "I.M.P".

        In the Pride Ring of Hell where the sky was always a blood-red color with darker clouds floating around, there was an area called "Imp City", a vast city consisting of tall grey buildings with both yellow and pink windows aligning the sides.

        Somewhere near the entrance of the city, stood a black-and-grey building with black-and-white horns built onto it, along with some black window panes and antennas attached. Among the countless rooms located within the facility, one of the doors read "IMP Headquarters" on the surface, with a piece of notebook paper with "MEETING IN PROGRESS" written in red ink taped beneath the room name.

        The room inside was reminiscent to that of an ordinary business room, the walls decorated with various posters and portraits and a meeting table at the center where the members of I.M.P were now gathered, awaiting the start of the discussion they had been summoned to attend.

        The group was relatively small, consisting of only four employees working under a single person, which made it five in total.

        There was Blitzø, the founder and manager of I.M.P himself, who was currently focused on scribbling something down on a whiteboard to prepare for the meeting.

        Loona, the company's hellhound receptionist and Blitzø's 22-year-old adoptive daughter. She was preoccupied with texting nonstop on her phone as she lazily leaned back in her seat, clearly having no interest in paying any attention to the meeting anytime soon.

        Millie and her husband Moxxie, the married imp couple sitting next to each other at the table as they watched Blitzø scribble whatever he was planning for the meeting on the whiteboard, though judging from the deadpan and weary look Moxxie wore, he had a good idea on what it was.

        And finally, sitting next to Loona at the far end of the table looking as though she had better places to be, was Mazikeen, or better known by her nickname, Maze. She was a curvaceous and considerably tall imp woman, her skin a dark red color like the majority of her kind and her hair an inky black color. Her locks reached her shoulders, and her bangs completely cascaded over the left side of her face, leaving only the right side visible for all to see.

        Typical for her species, she sported a pair of black-and-white striped horns on her head, her one visible eye half-lidded with boredom while a red arrow-tipped tail lazily swayed behind her in her seat. Her upper lip was painted with black lipstick, and encircling her right forearm from her elbow to her wrist was a black tattoo resembling a thorny vine.

        Her attire was in all-black and consisted of a high neck crop top that hugged her breasts and exposed her stomach, a slit skirt that reached her ankles with a pair of shorts underneath, and a pair of knee-high laced boots with heels.

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