Hellish Routine

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       The sound of rain pattering down on the windows was soothing as they echoed throughout the cozy atmosphere of the apartment.

        The scarlet skies of Hell's Pride Ring had darkened in color with the ongoing storm cloud rumbling above Imp City, the majority of the residents seeking shelter from the weather before it could worsen any second.

        As demons hastily hurried inside either the nearest building or pushed through the storm to reach their destination, a pair of curious eyes with yellow sclerae and dark pupils watched them from a window on one of the top floors of a particularly tall building in the city.

        The owner of such an intense gaze was a small imp girl who roughly appeared to be around eight years of age, judging from her height and the sheer innocence in her features. Her glossy black hair cascaded down her back and reached her waist while her arrow-tipped tail swayed a few times behind her, mirroring the serene mood she was in.

        She donned a black long-sleeved jacket over a navy blue sailor dress, along with black Mary-Janes and white socks on her feet. A white headband was worn in her hair that kept her bangs out of her eyes so they only covered her forehead, just between the small horns sprouting from her head. Aside from her demonic appearance, she resembled the embodiment of innocence herself with her delicate expression and naive demeanor.

        The young imp was kneeling on a small cushioned bench beneath the window, the cozy atmosphere of her bedroom bringing comfort to her along with the drizzling rain outside. The room was a bit simplistic, with it consisting of a single bed along with various toys lying all over the floor and what appeared to be her drawings taped on one of the walls, judging from the childish art-style and how they were all drawn in crayon.

        The door was cracked open enough to allow light from the other side to shine inside the room, preventing it from being too dark as the sun was obscured by the storming clouds above. As the little demon girl continued to observe the poor weather outside, she perked up when she heard the distant sound of a woman speaking through the partially-open door.

        Curiosity prickled within her chest as she hopped off the small bench to make her way towards her bedroom door, grabbing ahold of the handle to further pull it open so she could step out into the bright hallway outside. Once she stepped foot outside of her bedroom, she found herself following the woman's voice, which came from just around the corner to what appeared to be a modern-looking kitchen.

        "Yeah, it's a literal shitstorm over at the Pride Ring right now, so we might be heading over a little later than planned."

        The small imp girl peeked around the corner to see the silhouette of a rather slender woman standing at the kitchen counter, the room's dim lighting making it difficult to discern her features. All the young girl could spot was the bright light from the phone she was speaking into, the adult's long tail swaying behind her curvaceous figure.

        "You worry too much, Oz! I'm sure she'll love it there." The woman was reassuring someone on the other line, a carefree titter in her voice as she placed her other hand on her hip. "I know the place isn't exactly kid-friendly, but...this is Hell, y'know. Plus, I can't seem to find a decent babysitter around here who's willing to give two shits about her for a whole day! My little hellion is mature enough to handle the Lust Ring for her age. But if it stops getting that dick of yours hard with worry, I promise I'll make sure she doesn't see anything she shouldn't see until she's at dating age, okay?"

        She momentarily paused to let whoever she was speaking to give their response through the phone. "...oh, a ride? Well, I guess I can't argue with such a tempting offer ~ " She giggled mischievously at the end. "Alright, we'll get ourselves ready now. Ciao, Oz ~ !"

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