Getting Ready To Start A New Life.

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In an early morning in Paris France Marinetten Dupain-Chang was sitting in her bed with a solemn look on her face. She couldn't believe what had happened, Lila actually succeeded in turning half of her class against her. She tried to warn them that the stories that Lila was saying were lies but the majority of them wouldn't listen to her. The only ones who came to their senses were Juleka, Rose, Mylene, Ivan Max and Nathaniel. Luka, Kagami, Sabrina. Aurora, Miralle, Marc, Zoe and surprisingly Chloe were the ones who never fell for her lies from the start. And when they all tried to convince the rest of the class that Lila was lying they all turned against them too. What had hurt her the most was that the only one who also knew that they were lies Adrien Agreste her crush told her not to say anything, tried to convince Marinette to try to be friends with her even though she was making her life a living hell and to add insult to injury he ended up being her boyfriend!!!!!!!! When he asked her why he told her that Lila was the only girl actually cared about him and was willing to give him the time of day unlike another girl he used to like who always rejected him. She tried to tell him that she didn't love him and was only using him for fame and money but he didn't listen. Then he said something that really hurt her. That she needed to stop trying to be an everyday Ladybug cause she never was and never will be and they she will never find someone who will love her cause she was nothing but a bumbling, clumsy, useless, stupid and ugly girl who nobody will ever love. That did it, that made Marinette snap and she beat up both him and Lila up for everything that they put her through and what had just happened. When Principal Damocles caught them Adrien and Lila lied saying that Marinette caught them kissing and started to beat them up out of a jealous rage. Marinette tried to say that they were lying and her true friends also tried to defend her but him, Miss Bustier and the rest of the class didn't believe them and told them to stop lying about Lila. Alya came up to Marinette, slapped her in the face and said that she was done with her jealousy and that they were not best friends anymore. Marinette finally had enough herself and before Princiapl Damocles could expell her she  said that if the others weren't going to listen then she was leaving and the her true friends also said that if they weren't going to try to do some actual research and find out what kind of people Lila and Adrien really were then they'll leave to cause they'd rather be expelled then be in a school full of liars and gullible idiots. The parents of Marinette and her true friends were mad that their kids were victims of bullying and were not protected by the school and told them that they hope that one day the school will be finally be exposed for what it truly was and scolded the others who believed Lila's lies and turned their backs on their kids hoped that the same thing happened to them. After leaving Marinette's parents decided that they were going to move back to their old home in Musutafu Japan cause they don't want their precious little girl to be in the same place where he bullies were which made Marinette happy cause not only could  she leave her backstabbing so-called friends but she could see her old childhood friends again. All of Marinette's true friends and their families overheard the conversation and decided to go with them to which Marinette agreed. Marinette looked down at her feet in sadness. She was glad that she stood up for herself but she couldn't help but feel sad. Why wouldn't her other classmates listen to her? How could Adrien do this to her? And was he right? "Marienette?" a voice said behind her. Marinette looked up and saw her Kwami Tikki looking at her with concern. "Are you ok?" Tikki asked sympathetically. Marinette sighed and looked down again. "I just can't believe that this happened, Alix, Kim, Nino, Alya I can't believe that they all betrayed me, all cause they were so taken by Lila's lies and empty promises, it's like they would rather have fame instead of me and worst of all Adrien........ I loved him and yet he didn't care how much Lila hurt me and worst of all he said that no guy would love me, what if he is right Tikki, what if I will never find love, besides what guy could want me?!!!!!!!" she exclaimed as tears filled her eyes. She then put her hands over her eyes and cried. Tikki couldn't believe that people could hurt somebody as wonderful as Marinette. After everything that she's done for them and this is how they repay her?!!!!!!! Tikki put both of her hands on Marinette's shoulder. "Mari look at me." she said. Marinette sniffled as she looked up at her. "What Adrien said was wrong, you're sweet, smart, brave, funny, creative, amazing and beautiful any guy would be lucky to have you and if he can't see that then he's the one who's stupid not you and all the ones who betrayed you they are just selfish people who can't see the real you and only care about themselves trust me you're more then what others realize and you are one of the best girls I've ever known one day you will find love." said Tikki kindly. Marinette wiped the tears out of her eyes, smiled and hugged Tikki. "Thanks Tikki I needed that." she said. "You're welcome now let's continue packing." said Tikki cheerfully. Marinette smiled and nodded as she got back to work. When she was almost done the last thing she put into a box was a picture she had of herself when she was younger with her old friend group. She smiled as she stared at it. "I can't wait to see you guys again." she thought. She then put in the box on top of the rest of her stuff and closed it. Everything was then packed except for her computer cause she had a plan to get revenge. A couple minutes later she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in." she exclaimed. The door opened to reveal Juleka, Rose,Mylene,Ivan, Max, Nathaniel, Luka, Kagami, Aurora, Miralle, Marc, Zoe, Sabrina and Chloe. "Hi guys." she said with a smile. "Hi Mari." her true friends said in unison. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked. "We just wanted to see how you were doing." answered Rose concerningly. "Yeah we know what happened really hurt you especially what Adrien did." Juleka said sadly. "It's ok guys I'm feeling better Tikki cheered me up." said Marinette reassuringly while Tikki cutely waved to them. When Marinette told Master Fu what happened and that she was moving he said that she could reveal her secret that she was Paris's number one hero Ladybug if she wanted to since their was no point in keeping it a secret anymore. "Well that's good we're just glad that you're ok." Nathaniel said. "Yeah and are you guys still sure that you want to move to Musutafu with me? I don't want you to feel like that you're  obligated to leave because of me. asked Marinatte. "Yeah we don't really see the point in staying at place full of decievers and liars." Marc answered. "Yeah we want to be with you." said Zoe. "Besides it's too late to talk us out of it now cause Mom and Daddy already bought all of our flight tickets." Chloe said as she folded her arms. Marinette smiled and hugged her true friends and they hugged her back. "Oh by the way Max did you bring hard drive?" asked Marinette. "I did and I got all the info on it." Max answered as he pulled the hard drive out of his pocket. "Good." said Marinette with a smirk. After Master Fu told her it wad ok for her to reveal her secret identity the first people she told were her parents, her true friends and their families and now she was going to reveal it to the rest of Paris who she was in a huge way. Max recorded her revealing who she was and that her and Lila were not and never will be best friends. The next thing was to look up various things online connected to all the celebrities that Lila claimed to know and easily prove that Lila was lying, she also revealed what all of her old friends and school did to her and the others and then Max downloaded it all into a flash drive and Max was going to post it the day they move. "So Mari can you tell us about all of your old friends?" Marielle asked. "Yeah I want to know about them." Ivan said. "Me too." said Mylene. "Me three." Aurora said. "I want to know about them too." Luka said. "So do I." Kagami said. Marinette smiled as she began to tell them about her childhood friends. The more she told about them the more her true friends liked them already cause they sounded nice and that they cared very deeply for her. Marinette said the next day her mom was gonna call one of her old friends moms and tell her that they were moving back and to not tell them cause she wanted to surprise them. She was very excited to be with the friends who inspired her to do great things and hoped that her and the others lives will be better. Little they know that they're lives were gonna change for the better and that Marinette was gonna find love in an unexpected way.

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