The LOV's Surprising Redemption

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After the huge battle of Marinette the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu VS the cheaters, traitors and Monoma and how it was livestreamed all around the world there was a huge buzz going on about it. The actions of the cheaters, traitors and Momoma were heavily criticized for threatening Marinette, her friends from Paris, the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu into a battle in hopes that they would lose so that the cheaters would get back together with their former significant others, Monoma would go back to UA and that Marinette and her friends from Paris would go back to Paris, force them to become friends again, have Marinette lie saying that her and Lila were friends, pretend to be Adrien's girlfriend and possibly force Marinette have her force Master Fu to give him back the Black Cat Miraculous and be Chat Noir again. Not only that threatening to hurt Eri, Kota, Samidare, Satsuki, Lucy, Mei Mei, Miriam, Priya and Abby if they didn't agree to do it but also admitting that they were gonna hurt them anyway. The names that people called them were "assholes" "monsters" "heartless bitches" "child abusers" "doucebags" "brats that are even worse then villains" and many many more. Their was also praise going to Marinette, the 1-A boys, Momo and Tsu for winning the battle against them and for willing to possibly lose it to keep Eri, Kota, Samidare, Satsuki, Lucy, Mei Mei, Miriam, Priya and Abby safe and alot of them said since they were parents/siblings/cousins themselves that they would do the same thing and so they praised them the most. And not only that there was also praise surprisingly going to The LOV. They were praising them for warning them what the cheaters, traitors and Monoma were going to do, trying to help them, calling out the brats on their bullshit, telling them what they were planning to do with the kids and helping out exposing them. This also got everyone thinking that The LOV could possibly be redeemed and that maybe just maybe that there was more to them then they thought. Even The Hero Comission and all the students at UA high were thinking this as well and so after a very long discussion they all decided to put them in a villain rehabilitation program that was created a couple years ago.

Anyway back at The LOV's base the The LOV were just sitting around thinking about the events that just happened and how they helped out the young heroes. Ever since that happened they just couldn't stop thinking about it and how it surprisingly felt nice to actually do something good for once. This got them thinking that maybe they didn't want to be evil anymore and that they should start changing themselves and quit being villains. While in this thought process they heard a knock on their door. They were all very confused. Who could that be? Shigiraki opened the door and to his surprise it was Shoto's oldest brother Touya.

"Yes can I help you?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I have this letter for and the rest of the league." answered Touya as he handed Shgiraki a letter.

Shigiraki stared at it in confusion but then took it. He opened it up and read it. When he was finished he gasped and got wide-eyed in shock.

"Shigiraki what is it?" Kurogiri asked as he and the rest of the league joined him.

"Listen to this." answered Shigiraki in shock.

The letter said this.

Dear League Of Villains in light of the events that happened when you helped class 1-A with their problem we decided that you could deserve a chance to better yourselves and your lives. After everything you've done to help some of our students we think that you could be reformed and that their might be more to you then we thought before so we're giving you a chance if you want to get into a villain rehabilitation program and start on a better path. Hope to see you there. Sincerely The Hero Comission.

The LOV looked at the letter wide-eyed in shock. The heroes actually thought they have a chance at redemption?

"Holy fuck." Spinner said in shock.

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