Mirror, mirror

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"You look beautiful, Eret," Niki said, her voice gentle, her smile wide and genuine.

Eret regarded himself in the mirror. Niki had done her own makeup routine on him. Now they both had matching winged eyeliner, sensual blush, highlights and undertones that enhanced the natural shape of their faces, pink and smoky grey eyeshadow, and a deeper pink lip. Eret rubbed a palm over his stubble, transfixed by the sight of himself. 

The reflection didn't feel like him. It was like he was catching a glimpse of someone else -- another version of himself. A fleeting vision of the future, perhaps.

"It looks great, Niki," Eret said. His deep voice trembled slightly. He really liked the texture that his stubble gave to the makeup. He'd considered getting rid of his facial hair permanently before, but looking at it now, he kind of liked it. The crown rested on his curls, its jewels winking at him knowingly. Pure white eyes blazed in the reflection.

"I can teach you how to do it," Niki offered. "Well, it's more fun to experiment yourself, really. And you have the blush and highlighter technique down really well already! But the winged eyeliner -- oh, it's so annoying. I have a method for that. I can show you anytime."

"Anytime," Eret whispered. The fearless monarch in the mirror smiled at him. "I think...I would like that very much."

"Sure," Niki said brightly. She linked her arm through his, smiling wide in her excitement. "Thanks for doing this with me...I've been so lonely lately, Eret. Everyone leaves me out of the important stuff."

"Come to the castle and we can have a proper girls' night," Eret chuckled. The realization of what he'd just said washed over him like a bucket of ice water.

"Sounds fun," Niki said, oblivious to the inner turmoil that gripped her friend.

"Yeah," Eret said weakly. "I, uh. I have some things I've been wanting to...to talk about. With...someone. Like a good friend, but I...well, if you don't mind, I'd like...I think you could really help me. Talk about those things."

Niki looked up at him, her gaze knowing. "OK," she said. "Whatever you want to talk about, Eret, I'm here to listen."

Eret slung an arm around her shoulders. "I really appreciate that, Niki. Thank you. I mean it."

"Aw, don't cry," Niki said, hugging him.

"It's a good thing you used the waterproof mascara."

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