Trouble with the BFTR

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September 7th 2023
Dear Diary,
Happy Thursday, but is it?

Remeber how Kenzie had two crushes but then she switched to just one. Well Brookie likes the other guy. So now there is mega drama between us. They want me to pick a side but like no. Sixth Grade has so much drama. Everyone are such Drama queens. In my opinion Kenzie needs to chill she said she didn't like him anymore. I also get why she's mad because Brookie didn't say anything. We are besties for the resties ( BFTR besties for the resties ) we don't keep secrets. Aside from the fact that Everyone keeps secrets, even best friends. I have learned something from Brookie and Kenzie though, if you have a crush speak up and if you don't then too bad. Today during history I was studying for my math test, it's word problems. Like English is a subject Math is another why are they all of a sudden one subject? And what the frank is algebra? If I get a bad mark on this test my parents will kill me ( not literally). Either way history doesn't even matter, like who cares about what a bunch of ancient oldies did anyway. I don't. Once again I got a wrap but everyday these wraps get worse! This one was called the person? I don't know, I'm confused. I also have a spelling test on Monday. But I have a math test on Monday. Now I have two tests on Monday!
I might actually explode. I didn't get to go to Starbucks after school. I didn't get pizza. But lucky for me I have wraps named after people and tests. Yay. (If you couldn't tell that's what I call sarcasm) also if you couldn't tell there would be an eye roll at the end of that sentence. Why is work even a thing? If you're thinking money right now that's the wrong mindset.  Money is a word but it's made of paper so go cut down a tree and put a dollar bill sign on it. That's how you MAKE money. ( wink wink). Anyway my day ended well at least we got pizza and fries for dinner (yum). Which fyi (for your information) is what we call "real" food not food named after people. Anyway long day today, it didn't suck aside from finding out that I had a test. But as always:
Sending love,
London Smart

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