Chapter 15

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Having Allie in my house is like when the sun comes out on a rainy day. She lights up every room she walks into, and even my parents are okay with her and her little brother staying. Mum has been going full out, always making sure she's eaten and is happy. We only have one guest bedroom however, which meant Allie and I were sleeping in the same bed. Which btw was not good for the downstairs situation. It has been hard, pun intended.

We had just finished having dinner and mum was with Shane, washing up. 'Now, Allie' my dad started looking at Allie who sat next to me on the table 'both me and Nick's mum have really loved you staying with us' fuck, where was this going? 'But, you are not eighteen yet, meaning your'e parents still have a say in what you do and where you live' I could see Allie getting nervous beside me so I wrapped my arms around her and felt her body relax. 'Now, with you're permission of course, me and Linda (Nicks mum) would like to adopt you and Shane, if that's what you would like of course' dad looked at me, seemingly nervous. I looked down at Allie who seemed stunned beyond words/

'Y-yes' shit this was happening, and I finally exhaled a breath I didn't realise I was holding. My father visibly relaxed, blowing out a breath as well.

'It will take some time, but we can get started right away' Both mum and dad were doctors, so money would be no issue. At least that was one good thing.


'Do you ever wonder why these things happen?' Allie pondered, she was laying next to me on my bed, her head buried in my chest as she spoke.

'Sometimes' and I left it at that.

'You're a really great friend Nick' I could feel her smiling. She did not just say that. Friend? Was she fucking with me?

'We're not friends Allie' she shot up, her eyes blazing with hushed tears. FUCK. 'No, no baby that's not what I meant' her eyes narrowed at me, clearly not convinced.

'Then what did you mean?' She was fully sat up now, and the warmth that was once there vanished leaving me cold and empty.

'Allie, I don't want to be you're friend' her eyes went round 'cause I like you'. Well. It was out there now. The whites of her eyes were on full display as she inspected me.

'As in you know, like like?' My heart was beating so fast I swear it was going to break out of my chest.

'Yes, Allie, like like' she jumped on me, a huge smile plastered on her face. Why didn't I say this earlier?

'I like like you too Nick' I felt her tense up and I immediately knew what she was thinking.

'You're not too heavy baby' she sighed, her muscles still tense but she stayed exactly where she was. That's my girl.

I couldn't stop myself, I kissed her and it was like everything clicked into place. She kissed me back, nervously grabbing at my hair, before pulling away harshly. 'That was my first kiss' she said in between the soft pants of her breath, as if the realisation had only just came to her. I didn't get a chance to say anything back before she dived back in and kissed me again, this time I pushed my tongue into her mouth and HOLY FUCK, I was going to come right then. She went from being half on me to fully sitting on my waist, breaking contact in an attempt to get comfortable, she swivelled her hips and I groaned. 'You are so god damn solid'  she continued to move around, before she finally felt it. Her eyes got impossibly wider as she stared at me open mouthed in, fear? Shock?

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