The Sanderson sisters

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In 1653 Salem, many years ago, a young troubled Winifred Sanderson was furious to find she is old enough to get married and is forced to marry John Pritchett.

"Oh, for me?"

Angry, she storms to her home, outraged and causes trouble for the people of Salem,

"Out of my way. Move!"

"Wicked witch!"

"Oh, hey"


"Well, that was enough for me today"

"Look, there!"

"How dare thee!"

"Oh, Winifred Sanderson"

But as soon as She entered her home, she gets a surprise from her sisters: Mary and Sahara.

"Surprise" who they both threw her a surprise party.

"This is the worst day of my life" but it did not cheer her up.


"But, Winnie, look what we have made. I discovered if thou doth grind pig's hooves and mix it with water, it creates mysterious goo, Then Mary had the wonderful idea to mix a drop of goat's blood. And look. It jiggleth. Here"

"Taste this, Winnie" young Mary asked.

"'Tis divine!"

"I cannot eat. I am too troubled"

"Didst the Turner boys lock thee in the hay barrack again?"

"Worse. I've been told I'm getting... old, and I must marry......John Pritchett, Reverend foxington arranged it. He said it was his
duty since father died"

"Didst thee say no?"

"Of course"

"Then I took the Lord's name in vain twice"

"Thou art most wicked, Winnie"

"Only a truly wretched man can make me say such things"

"It was my favorite plate"

"There, there, there, Winnie. Let us forget the Reverend and John Pritchett. Wouldst thee like to open thy presents?"


"You will love it"

"We searched for the largest one we could find"

"It is adorable. What shall we name it?"

Suddenly someone was banging on their door.

"It is the Reverend" the girls quiver.

"Hide. Act as if we're not here"

"Open the door"

"We are not here"

Furious and sure that they have been caught, young Winifred had no choice but to answer the door.


Standing at the door was infuriated fox reverend, underneath his chin was a patch of white fur, and behind them an angry crowd.

"Wretched soul!"

"Look at her!"

"Winifred Sanderson"

"I will mercifully give thee one more chance"


"Atone for thy disgusting words and agree to marry John Pritchett"

"Allow me a moment to reconsider"

"Yes, of course"

"Mm, yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No"

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