Entry 1:

525 5 13

The cool September air fluttered on my face. Kohane walks to school with a smile on her face and a skip in her step. Today was going to be a good day! Her classes seem to be going well. But then lunch comes around the corner. Kohane gently put her books in her locker, but sensed a foreboding presence behind. She slowly turns around to be met by the red eyed idol. Airi Momoi. 

"Give me your lunch money four eyes!" Airi demands. 

Tears well up and flow from my eyes. "I don't have any!" I tremble. 

Airi shoved her against the wall, and dug through her pockets. "Found it." She grinned, jingling the shiny nickels. 

Kohane hangs her head in defeat, sniffling quietly. 

"Well, smell ya later!" Airi walks away cackling. Kohane sits the remainder of lunch on the rooftop alone. Life just isn't fair.

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