Entry 4:

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The street light bedazzled the narrow streets and the crisp evening air brushed against Kohane's skin. I am on my way to the Weekend Garage with a box of cupcakes in hand. I had baked them myself as a thank you gift for An! (They're not as sweet as her though!) Kohane then trips and the box flies out of her hands and the cupcakes are crushed. 

"Ow" Kohane whimpers when she hit the ground. She catches sight of a gingernette. "Can you help me up please..? I fell.." She pleaded. 

The ginger glanced at her, scoffed, and walked away chuckling. 

Kohane sighed and stood up again. She held the box in her hands and sorted through what remained of the sweet treats. Only one lone cupcake remained unscathed. She continued her trek to the cafe, less enthusiastic than before. Soon enough, she arrives and enters through the door. 

"You made it!" An said cheerily. 

"Nice to meet you Kohane." A new voice chimes in "I'm An's dad. I've heard lots about you." 

I look up at An's dad. "Now I know where she gets her good looks from!" The words tumbled out before I could take them back. 

Her dad laughs while a boy appears from the shadows. 

"Hi I'm Toya." He introduces himself. 

Kohane hold out the slightly smushed cupcake to An. "I-I made cupcakes for you An! But... I tripped and all of them were ruined, except for this one!" She said, her face red. 

Before An could reply, everyone turned towards the door as a scowling ginger enters. "Akito! You're here!" An runs over to him and gives him a kiss on his cheek. 

Kohane drops her cupcake. It was the same boy who snubbed her! 

"This is my boyfriend, Akito!" An said. 

Even worse, he was dating the love of my life! 

"Now that everyone is here, we can start singing!" An vigorously exclaims. An, Akito, and Toya ascend up a stage and start belting out in song. Kohane's breath was taken away. Especially at the sight of An's singing. Mid-chorus, An reaches out her hand towards me and the music stops. Time slows down as she asks me to come on stage and join them. The music pulls me in, and so does An's warm hand as she helps me on stage. 

We all sing together, strengthened by our unity. The song ends and the customers erupt in cheering, enthralled by our riveting performance. An leaps into Akito's arm. 

"Kohane, you sang like Madonna!" An says, still wrapped in Akito's embrace. 

Toya nods, but Akito looked away. Normally, Kohone would have been over the moon with that kind of praise. But today was different. The only feeling she could feel was heartbreak and despair. 

Then, the doors barge open. The dreaded sight of Airi stands in the doorway. "Oh no its you again! Please don't hurt me!" Kohane squeals. 

Airi grinned evily. "This needs to end!" She proclaims, going on stage and taking the mic. She then starts singing Darling Dance and the audience, including An, are etranced by her shining idol power. When she finishes, she turns to me, flipping her hair back. "Now it's your turn. Whoever loses is BANNED from this cafe FOREVER!" 

I grab the mic shakily and start to sing Shoujo Rei. The audience is moved to tears, clearly I have won! Airi stalks out, defeated. Everyone hugs me and I forgave Akito for being mean earlier.

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