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"Babe, why was Elizabeth masturbating while everyone was home?" Callie asks her girlfriend. Xoey, her and I are at one of the campus libraries on Friday. Xoey is currently writing Shrek fan fiction, I believe it is Fiona and the Dragon, Elizabeth.

"Honey Bunches of motherfucking Oats, what in the Wattpad did I just hear?" I ask but I do not think I want to know. That's Xoey's favorite cereal, by the way. She looks over her laptop to raise her eyebrow at me, asking. "Yeah, never mind."

I will end up reading it, either to edit or when she publishes it. Speaking of editing, I finished the other one she was writing, it was rather good but took forever to get through. She published it earlier this morning I believe.

"Xo, I am bored." Callie whines.

"Talk to Bee, they aren't doing too much. I am very busy writing though. You could also study or go home, you really do not have to be here, love."

"Toe Beans over there is applying for jobs so they can afford rent for once."

"Toe Beans? Really? And you were the reason I was fired this time." She dared me to scream in the middle of the Walmart I was working at for two full minutes. I ended up getting fired but only because the manager was transphobic and found out I was non-binary, not a cisgender man.

"It was that douche bag of a manager and you know it. You stayed for a full week after the screaming, he only fired you 'cause he found out you have a pussy." Callie says, earning a slap over the head from Xoey for the last part.

"I don't own a cat, don't be ridiculous." I respond. She flips me off in return.

"We should get a cat." Me and Xoey groan at her for bringing this up, again. "I heard Davie saying he has wanted a cat for ages, I think he said it would be named Fudge."

"That's adorable but none of us can take care of a cat, nor can we afford one, Cock Snot." I tell Callie, to her disappointment. That name makes no sense at all, it is funny and that is all the reason I need to call her that.

"Stop saying that in public spaces, last time someone overheard it was an older woman and she fainted." Xoey reminds me.

"But look at her face. Just look at it. I don't give a flying fuck about the health of an old lady if I get to see that stupid look. Unless the older woman is Moira Mack, then I would stop." Moira is Callie's mom and she is amazing. She comes down to see us about once every two months, after her husband died she does not have many people to talk to in her hometown. Unless you count the demon spawn known as chihuahuas.

"Stop fantasizing about fucking my mom, please."

"Make me, bitch." Callie smacks me in the face. "Ouwie, that was rude."

"Shut up, you asked for it, Mattie."

"Yeah that's fair."

"Both of you, stop being annoying. Bee, have you finished filling in all your applications?"

"Sure thing, Xo. Did you know the bowling alley in town was hiring? I applied there, that's the one I'm hoping I get. Even if any job would be better than being broke." I reply. I have been unemployed for about two weeks so I really need to get a job again soon. I have some savings I can dip into but buying cigarettes with money for food is not a good feeling.

"Strike Lanes? You working there would be great, and it's nearby!" Xoey remarks and she is right, the place is great.

"Yeah. I do have to wonder why they are hiring, though. Did someone quit, if so, why? Was someone fired, what did they do? Or are they just expanding the staff. Whatever the reason, I am very grateful. Even if I don't have the job yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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