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After a visit to see Hondo Ohnaka, over Jedi business, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Jade Quinn, have run into some trouble.. "I thought you said Hondo would not chase after us?" Jade yelled at Obi-Wan as they sat in their ship being fired on.. "I said that maybe he would not send his fleet after us.. Not that he would not ever!" Obi-Wan replied.. "That is a big difference Master!" Jade said to him as she manned the guns.. "Yes, Jade, I am as surprised as you are, I thought this was a peaceful mission.. I am as surprised as you that Hondo's crew are firing on us." Obi-Wan said to her in haste as he flew the ship.. "Fine! Now what are we going to do about getting rid of them?" Jade asked as she continued to fire at them.. "For now, keep on fireing at them.." Obi-Wan replied as he tried to do his evasive maneuvers.. "You do know you are not Anakin or even Cade.. You can not do that kind of thing!" Jade yelled as him as she picked herself off the floor.. "Sorry about that." Obi-Wan replied with a grin.. "You will be if I keep missing the enemy." Jade said as she took aim again.. 

The two evaded fire for a long while, not speaking, just working the ship and guns.. Then Jade saw something that brought some light as to why they were not getting away form Hondo's hordes.. "Master, did you happen to see the markings on that ship?" Jade asked.. "No, Jade, I am in full damage control.. We have been hit, and I mean badly." Obi-Wan said to her.. "Then I think we should head for the nearest planet and land." Jade replied.. "Why would we turn tail and run, Jade? That is not at all like you?" Obi-Wan replied with cheek.. "Well get a grip Master, because today is your lucky day.. That ship is not some of Hondo's Pirate friends.. It is General Grievous ship!" Jade yelled at him.. "Well it doesn't make a difference now Jade.. We are going down, brace for impact!" Obi-Wan yelled to her.. "Oh bugger!" Jade said as she strapped in and pulled her mask over her face..

As they got closer to the planet, the ship began to designate.. Grievous watched from his ship with a smile, if he could smile.. "It seems they are going down and burning up on the way." Roger Droid said to him.. "Goodbye Kenobi, I will not miss you one bit!" Grievous said as he coughed then laughed..  "General, Sir... two lifeforms have ejected from the ship." Roger droid said.. "Take an away team and do not return until they are dead!" Grievous growled at them. "Yes, Sir.." Roger droids replied.. 

"I thought only Master Anakin destroyed ships like that Master." Jade said as they hit the ground and bounced along.. "Crashing a ship is not the same as being shot down, Jade." Obi-Wan said as he bounced along.. "So you're telling me that, it's okay to be shot down, but not crash land?" Jade asked when they finally stopped bouncing.. "No, I am telling you when I crash land, it is because I have been shot down.. Not because I have done something dangerous.." Obi-Wan said, stepping out of his bubble unharmed.. "Good to know, Master." Jade said walking up to him.. They stood for a moment looking around.. Before a ship flew low over them and began to shoot.. Without a word, they both ran towards what they thought was a crumbling cave.. With blaster fire chasing them all the way..

Once in the cave, they stopped and took a breath.. Jade looked around in wonder.. "Wow, you found us a nice place to hide." Jade said with a smile.. "Yes, I told them we were coming." Obi-Wan said to her as they explored together.. Always watching the other's back.. "So do tell, what is this place then?" Jade asked.. "Looks like an old temple.. In the High Republic era, they had what they call a Starlight Beacon constructed.. It is much like a temple.." Obi-Wan replied.. "Well if it is, no one has worshipped her for a long long time." Jade said, blowing the dust off the altar.. Obi-Wan looked down at the scribe in the sandstone of the altar.. He frowned.. "Yes, it seems to be the same one.. This is the crest of the High Republic." Obi-Wan said with disbelief.. "So is that good or bad?" Jade asked, looking at the symbole.. She had never seen it before, or not that she could remember.. It looked like a spear with four sets of wings on either side.. "It looks really cool, what dose it mean?" Jade asked him.. Just as the blaster fire began again.. They both looked up at the same time, lighting their lightsabers.. "I think those droids want us real bad." Jade said with a smile.. "Yes, they have a tendency to never give up." Obi-Wan replied as they did the Jedi dance together.. They were taking out the droids like they were nothing.. When the last one fell, Jade stopped and looked at Obi-Wan.. "Do you think Grievous will send more?" Jade asked.. "If not now, soon." Obi-Wan replied, looking around the temple.. "Well in that case, let's go look for a ship to get off this planet." Jade said.. "There will not be one here." Obi-Wan said.. "How do you know this Master?" Jade asked as they wandered together.. "I just do.. Sometimes you should listen to me.. I do have some knowledge that you do not possess." Obi-Wan said to her.. "Is it about the temple, because if it is.. I think I already know." Jade said with a smile.. "What do you think you know, Jade?" Obi-Wan asked.. "Think I know?" Jade asked.. "Yes." Obi-Wan replied.. "I will have you know, I have Qui-Gon Jinn on my side." Jade said, stopping to look at Obi-Wan..

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