152 - Recognition

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The travelers ultimately split up for the rest of the day after Alfyn, Ophilia, and H'aanit got to work on healing Primrose. The Forsythe home was still small, and they all needed a bit of space and air after what they had seen. None of them quite understood just how Primrose had wound up being stabbed in the first place, but they didn't want to push the subject at the moment either. Primrose was still unconscious, and until she came to once again, they wouldn't be able to learn much of anything. It would be better for them all if they spent their valuable time in other ways rather than just worrying at her bedside. They had done more than enough of that already, and night was drawing nearer with each passing minute. 

Even so, Cyrus didn't leave until after he was certain Primrose would be alright. He would never admit it aloud, but he needed an excuse to get away from the Forsythe home after what he had seen. He couldn't seem to tear the image of the collapsed Primrose out of his mind, and he could only hope he snapped out of it soon. Hopefully, a distraction would be enough to help him ground himself again. That was what he was pinning his faith on at the moment anyway. 

Tressa stayed close to Cyrus' side as they ambled through the streets of Noblecourt. They had to lean against one another just a bit too much for support between the stress put on Cyrus' body over the last few days and the ever noticeable strain in Tressa's ankle. Both injuries were improving steadily and had been ever since the battle against Miguel ended, but they wouldn't be able to walk far given their condition. 

So they stayed as close as they could to the Forsythe home while still straying outside the walls of Noblecourt. Luckily, their destination wasn't far from the wall, and Cyrus had managed to maintain his stamina on the walk to Barham's home. Tressa knocked for him as soon as they came to a stop outside the small building, and the two waited in silence for an answer. 

Luckily, they weren't left waiting for long, and the door swung open to reveal the smiling face of Barham, though his expression shifted with shock when he realized who his unexpected guests were. "Cyrus and Tressa!" he exclaimed. "I didn't think I would see you of all people today. Please, come inside." 

The two travelers were more than happy to follow Barham's instructions, and they gladly settled down on chairs sitting beside a table in the main room of the home. Before either one of them had the chance to ask Barham how he was doing, their eyes drifted to a different corner of the building. Orlick was standing in front of the counter and blending a few ingredients together for some kind of potion, so lost in his work that he didn't even realize he had company in the first place. It wasn't until Barham cleared his throat that Orlick snapped out of his daze, and he turned to face the pair with a smile on his face. "Ah, we have company!" Orlick cried out, his voice surprisingly jubilant given the way he had behaved when Cyrus and Tressa were last in Noblecourt. 

"I hope you don't mind us dropping in unannounced," Cyrus said, unable to pull his gaze away from Orlick for long. He had expected the ruby dragonstone to finally release its hold on Orlick once it was returned to the comfort of its sapphire companion, its poisonous effects diminishing in the presence of its sister. Even so, knowing that and seeing it were two entirely different things. "We came to town as part of something of a spur of the moment decision."

"Don't worry about it at all," Barham assured him. When he noticed the strange glances Cyrus and Tressa were giving his research partner, Barham tapped himself on the forehead. "Silly me. I forgot you didn't know about this." He gestured to Orlick once again with a grand smile on his face. "I owe a lot to you travelers. After you defeated Orlick, he finally returned to his senses, and we've gone back to researching together."

Orlick stared at Cyrus and Tressa for a few moments before processing what Barham had told him. "You must have been two of the people who..." He trailed off before he could finish, laughing nervously to himself instead. "I'm afraid I don't remember much of my time with the ruby dragonstone. According to Barham, it did a lot to distort my mind."

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