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        "So you're just going to give into a request by an emotionally unstable woman just like that?" Jack asked him

"She deserves more than just me doing this after the pain and torture I've placed her through the last few years, I knew that something was off with her after we all graduated high school but I just didn't know what. It didn't even come to me that she could have possibly be hiding something that neither of us knew about due to me being in a relationship with Mikka." Yusei explained "Speaking of that, did the three of you ever figure out if she had any feelings for me?"

Kalin nodded his head. "She does, she just doesn't know how to go about acknowledging the fact that what she feels is in fact her crushing on you. I think if she had a heart to heart with Aki she'd realize what we all saw earlier today."

Yusei looked back down to the purple haired female that was in his arms, he really hoped that what they saw was in fact Reya finally realizing that she liked him too. Yusei looked back up to his friend once his mind was made up. "Rey has off tomorrow, do you think you could ask your girlfriend to come over here for a bit to talk to her while I leave out with Jack to get my things for while I'm here with her?" Yusei asked Kalin

Kalin nodded his head. "Yeah I can do that, have you asked Reya about the matter we discussed last week?"

"She said she'd think about it, she also told me that it all came down to how things worked between her and I. I don't want to ruin the chance of getting her out of this big place alone, but I really do love her." Yusei stated

Kalin crossed his arms. "I'll do what I can when I talk to Aki." Kalin said before he left.

Crow just shook his head. "This is just crazy, honestly you should just talk to her about it tomorrow instead of getting Akiza involved in all of this. Don't you think she'd feel a lot better about it if you'd just straight out talk to her about it instead?"

"Even though at times Crow has some really bad idea's I have to agree with him about this. Reya needs a direct approach from you not you hiding from the sidelines like a coward." Jack said in agreement

"I'll try to talk to her first if not I'm letting Akiza talk to her about it." Yusei said with a sigh

"Good, we'll see you tomorrow then. Later Yus." Crow said before the two left closing the door in the process-knowing that Reya doesn't like her door open when she's asleep.

Yusei then looked down at her and frowned slightly unsure of what to do about the fact that he might be losing Reya within the next few days. His hold on her became tighter and he kissed the top of her head once more as he closed his eyes. "Sleep well Reya, even if you can't say it-I will. I love you." He said softly to her.

He soon fell asleep, which once he was snoring Reya opened her eyes and looked up at him blushing deep red. She knew damn well she'd have to ask him things when she woke up the next day. She wanted to be able to see the bright smile on his face again, and she wanted to be the cause of it. No one else. If being with him brought that side of him back out then she'd do it, but she wanted to be sure that she was-in fact in love with him.

She'd try to talk with Yusei in the morning and if nothing seemed to work she'd talk to Aki, she nuzzled herself against his chest and closed her eyes as she slept peacefully knowing that Yusei wasn't trying to bull shit her, what he felt for her was for real. It was one fear she had and it was one that she now knew she didn't have to worry about coming true. When it became the afternoon Reya felt herself being woken up only to see that it was Yusei who was trying to wake her up.

Her face went bright red as she realized how close he was to her and the position they were in. He was on top of her with his hands on either side of her as his legs were on either side of her. He smiled down at her as he refused to move from on top of her.

"Afternoon sunshine, Akiza will be here soon. But before she comes here I want to speak to you if that's okay with you." Yusei explained to her.

She nodded her head as she looked up into his blue eyes. "S-Sure...But uh...C-Can you please get off of me? I...I feel very flustered having you on top of me like this."

He nodded his head before he did so sitting up beside her body which was more than enough room for her to be able to finally get up place her hair up so it wasn't in her face. Once she had her hair up she looked to Yusei.

"What did you want to talk about Yus?" Reya asked, even though she knew, she wanted to know from him in his own words how he was going to be slick about wanting to know about the feelings she held for him.

"I....well I wanted to know about how you felt about me being in the last three relationships I've been in. I want to know if you'd be honest with me about it." Yusei said honestly.

Reya was very shocked to hear that he was being so blunt, she wasn't expecting it and sighed out as she leaned against the head board of her bed. "Let's see. Age fifteen it was a young blond girl by the name of Ritsi-I thought that age was way too young for you to start dating cause you were too immature and you still couldn't remember your own locker combination which I found lame. I didn't like how she constantly clung onto your arm and how she kept scowling at me. I'd have to say for my personal emotions throughout that half year relationship you were in that I was slightly jealous of the fact that you were spending more time with that girl than me. Most of the stuff we did-we never did cause you pushed me to the side just to entertain that brat." Reya stated before she ran her hands through her purple bangs.

"Now age sixteen, after your birthday you had dated once more. Again I found it stupid cause you were trying to mature and epically failed at the time. The red haired female you were with at the time...I can't remember her name." Reya stated honestly.

"Her name was Tanya." Yusei commented

"Oh right, the bitch of the lot." Reya commented back before she sighed out. "She physically abused me for getting close to you and she was the reason I never once ever chose to hang out around you. If my name ever was mentioned I was hurt for it. While you were with her I was trying to get you to see she wasn't right for you and she'd change you for the worse. But she did that on her own though."

"So you weren't jealous of her?" Yusei asked

Reya scoffed. "Hell no, I wanted to knock the bitch with a frying pan for hurting me but I couldn't lift one let alone swing one back then. I probably could kill the girl with one now since I've been working on my strength and self defense. Moving on, age seventeen-your latest epic fail."

She stopped talking before she hugged her legs close to her chest. "I didn't like her, she was playing you for a fool. I was very jealous of her. I didn't like that she was using you as a second choice, I didn't like that she would pretend that what she was doing wasn't hurting you two's relationship. Even though she tried to be friendly with me I got hella jealous when she began to be affectionate with you in front of me." Reya said sadly as she looked down at her purple socks.

Yusei was silent other than his one comment, he didn't know what Reya was telling him. It made him regret making her suffer so much. He moved closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You can tell me what you've been holding back. I'm not going to hold anything against you or see you any different."

She nodded her head before she leaned herself against him.

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