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As usual, I woke up late and made my way to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror for a long time.

My dead eyes stared back at me.

I decided not to shave as I had no plans to go out. Brushed the teeth and shat while playing on the phone.

My first destination was the fridge. Inside it were three boxes of pizza I bought yesterday. I took one and microwaved it for breakfast.

Ever since my wife left me, this has been my life.

I hated it.

Spent the entire morning on the couch watching the television and scrolling on the phone. As usual, I checked the Facebook profile of my wife from a fake account I made. Her life looked really colourful without me.

I didn't want to talk to humans. I didn't even open the door to pick up the newspaper.

My lunch and dinner were pizza.

I slept late.


As usual, I woke up late. 

Went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

Then I noticed something moving on my lips. I looked at it carefully.

"****" I cursed as I splashed water on my face to remove the small white worm that was moving on my face.

The worm ruined my morning.

I didn't shave. Finished the morning routine half-heartedly.

My breakfast was microwaved pizza from the fridge.

Ever since my wife left me, this was my life.

I checked the Facebook profile of my wife from a fake account I made.

I wasted another day doing nothing and fell asleep very late.


As usual, I woke up late.

Went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

There were multiple small worms crawling on my face.

"****" I cursed as I splashed water on my face to remove the small worms that were moving on my face.

I went to bed to check the source of the worms. There were some worms crawling around on the bed.

"...." More curses left my mouth as I took the bed and pillow covers for washing. But however I searched, I couldn't find the source of the worms.

The worms ruined my morning.

I didn't shave. Finished the morning routine half-heartedly.

My breakfast was microwaved pizza from the fridge.

Ever since my wife left me... I don't have a life. I am a human trash waiting for something to happen.

I checked the Facebook profile of my wife from the fake account I made. She looked happy.


I was woken up early by something crawling on my cheek. Suddenly, the memory from the previous morning came to my mind.

I ran to the bathroom.

What I saw was something beyond scary.

I used the faucet to spray water on my face.

That wasn't enough.

The image I saw in the mirror a few seconds ago was vivid in my mind. There were worms of larger size all over my face. Not just on the face. All over my body.

I turned on the shower and stood below it. I was taking a bath after many days. I took off all my clothes and threw them on the floor.

I was disgusted and angry. I vomited into the toilet and only yellow fluid from my stomach came up.

Halfway through the bath, I went to my bed. Removed the bed cover and pillow cover. I flipped the bed to find the source of the worms.

Still nothing.

The floor was getting wet from the water dripping from my naked body.

I cursed again and finished my bath.

I was in no mood for breakfast.

So I decided to clean my room. I put the clothes and covers in the washing machine. If my wife was here, she would have lectured me for putting everything together.

I wasted another day.

I slept on the couch to avoid any more incidents with the worms.


Halfway through my sleep, I woke up again.

I stared at the mirror with worms all over my face.

I was scared. But I kept staring at the mirror.

Finally, I found the source of worms: it was me!

I saw the worms crawling out of my nose. Small white worms.

I opened to shower and stood below it.

Is it a medical condition? Is my mind playing tricks on me? Am I going mad?

Many questions popped into my head.

Then I saw my hair on the bathroom floor. I was shedding too much hair.

It was as if my entire body was rotting.

I couldn't wait any longer. I couldn't wait for the dawn. I put on my clothes and went to get my medical records. I entered our master bedroom and I froze.

I was there.

On the floor.


I looked at my own dead body. My memories slowly returned to me.

There was a rope hanging from the ceiling fan. I hung myself on that. But when days passed, the flesh and tendons started rotting. Then the neck broke. The body and the head separated and fell on the floor.

I looked at my separated head. Its eyes were open and it had the same dead look as my reflection on the mirror. Small white maggots were crawling on my face.

The suicide note I wrote was on the table.


It was morning again.

I am no longer bothered by the morning routine. I opened the fridge. As usual, three boxes of pizza were there. I started eating it.

I watched the television and checked my ex-wife's Facebook profile.

She looked happy.

Days passed.

I lost my hair.

My nails fell off.

The flesh started falling off.

At one point, my entire body broke down.

Then I woke up, on my bed, in one piece.

I went to the bathroom.

I saw the worm on my lip.

Days passed.

Everything happened again.

Then again.

Then again.

I slowly realized.

This is my hell. The hell I deserve for killing myself.

I stared at the mirror. My dead eyes stared back at me.

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