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Do you know the smell of blood?

Take a drop of blood. Grind it between your fingers. It would turn into a dark red powder.

Smell it.

It has a mild sweet smell.

I loved that smell.

Especially when that smell filled the entire room.

More than the smell, knowing that a life came to an end with that smell at my hands filled me with ecstasy.

It was easy. All that it took was one swift motion of the blade across the neck of my unsuspecting victim.

I killed 21 people in that manner in the span of twelve years.

I selected my victims randomly. They were of all ages and gender. I was careful not to leave anything that would trace back to me. 

My favourite were little girls.

When they were sleeping peacefully, I would end their cheerful life with a small cut from my blade. Then I would wait in the room watching the blood flow from the cut. My victims used to gasp for air, trying their best to save their lives without even being able to scream.

The next day, I would read the news of my achievement in the newspapers and watch the news on the television. I really enjoyed watching the desperate faces of the friends and family of my latest victim. Then I would share my sorrow for the incident with my friends and family.

You might not believe me. But I am a family man and a teacher loved by all. I don't scold the kids or punish them. Yet the kids behave well in my classes. I am the favourite teacher of all the little kids in my school. But all I could think was slitting their little necks.

And I did that.

For the first time, I broke my rule and killed someone from my area. I was extremely nervous. Because I was killing someone I knew. But at the same time, I was excited beyond what words can describe. For the first time, I enjoyed the thrill of ending the life of someone who trusted me. I was so immersed in that feeling that I made a serious mistake.

I failed to notice that her brother was in the same room and saw all my actions.

I came to know about it in the newspaper. I was scared. I thought that my career was going to have an unexpected end. But then the boy said that he didn't see the face of the killer. So I was relieved.

I went and consoled the boy. I even took it as my personal duty to bring him back to normal life. Everyone praised me for it. It was really enjoyable. I loved that feeling.

I helped him in his studies. Whenever he was sad, I did everything I could to cheer him up. Seeing him slowly recovering made me filled with joy and anticipation. Because I had found my next target.

It felt like fattening up a lamb. Every moment I spent with him, I was excited by the thought of taking his life.

Slowly, his parents also trusted me. I was even allowed into their house without any restrictions.

About six months later, he was back to his previous cheerful self. His life was once again full of happiness and hope. I knew that it was time for me to reap the benefits of my hard work.

His birthday was coming up. I planned a party. I invited all his friends and relatives. His family was excited. I even paid for the party from my pocket. But in truth, I knew that the party wasn't going to happen. Because he was going to become my next victim on the night before the party.

On the day before the fated day, he met in the staff room. He gave me a gift and told me to open it only after reaching home. I was happy to see his cheerful face.

I went home. The door was not locked. When I walked in, I found my wife and daughter on the floor.

They were tied up and their mouth was blocked with cloth pieces.

I froze.

Then I remembered the gift he gave me.

I unwrapped the gift.

My wife kept begging with her eyes to untie her. Then shook her head left and right. From the urgency in her eyes, I understood that she was begging me not to open the box. My daughter also kept shaking and crying.

I opened the box.

Inside of it was a thin blade.

I didn't know what was happening. But I knew what I should be doing.

The desperate cries from my daughter and wife only managed to make me more aroused.

Yes. Aroused is the right word for it even though it wasn't sexual arousal.

I saw the fear in their eyes.

I had killed 22 people. But it was my first time seeing the desperation in the eyes of my prey before their death.

I tussled the hair of my daughter for one last time.


The police caught me.

Even international media covered my story.

The fast-track court sentenced me to death.

They all think I am evil.

But they don't know that among them lives a 12-year-old boy who sent me home with a blade. They don't know that a 12-year-old kid who lives among them tied up my daughter and wife. He tied them up in such a way that their neck would be exposed and told them what I would do once I got back home. Then he hid a camera and watched everything live.

Do you think I am evil?

He watched me kill his own sister. Then he let me help him for six months. He was fattening me up for six months. Then finally he made me kill my own daughter and wife.

He was enjoying it.

He is the real psycho.

And he lives among you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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