Sector 4 - The No. 5 Reactor

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(Cloud's Point of View)

"YO! Looks like there ain't no private car so split up!!" Barrett's voice called out across the train. A man in a pressed maroon suit glared up at Barrett from under his newspaper. He had combed black hair and coal-black eyes that shared their disdain for the man before him with the world.

"...hoodlums again. Oh god, don't I just have all the luck..." he grumbled, shifting in his seat. Barrett sauntered over to the employee, the manager it looked like, and glared down at him. The man glanced up and then back down at the newspaper.

"You say sumthin'? I said, 'you say sumthin'!?" Barrett shouted down at the Shinra manager, who was diligently trying to ignore his presence. "Yo, look at that!! It got empty alluva sudden. What's goin' on?" Barrett sneered. The Manager's head poked above his newspaper and he looked around. No one else but Tifa, Barrett, and I were in the car. His eyes grew wide.

"DAMN!!" he yelped and his newspaper fell. His body shook as he realized who we were. "I... it's empty because of... g, guys like you..." Barrett slammed the wall above his head as the manager jumped once again. Tifa started and tried to go over but I stopped her. The Shinra Manager swallowed hard, the knot in his throat moving. "Y, Y, YIPES!! You... you've seen the news, right? AVALANCHE says there'll be more bombings. Only devoted employees like me would go to Midgar on a day like today." He tried to plead. Barrett's eyes bulged out! He raised his gunarm at the man, jumping back as he did so.

"You workin' for Shinra?" Barrett asked calmly... quietly.

"I won't give in to violence... and I'm not giving up my seat either!" the man tried standing his ground. Barrett smiled cruelly and took aim. I could feel my pulse quicken as I realized what he was going to do. It wasn't enough that we were terrorists... he wanted to become a murder.


"BARRETT!" Tifa shouted as she marched her way over to the man. She stood between the predator and his prey. Barrett reeled, trying to move her out of the way. I cleared my throat as Barrett glanced over.

"&$#%!! You lucky ^$#^$!" Barrett cursed as he sulked in the far corner of the car. The manager's newspaper had fallen from the seat and was a haphazard mess. Tifa bent down and picked the papers up. I growled as I watched the manager's eyes filled with lust as he watched her move. Tifa didn't seem to notice; she handed the papers back with a smile and bowed in apology.

She skipped back over to where Barrett and I were, the Shinra manager still watching her. I glared at him and moved in front of Tifa. The manager gave a short indignant huff before returning to his news.

"So what do we do now?" I said lowly. Tifa glanced over at me, silently asking if I was okay.

"Shit! What the hell you so calm about? You're bustin' my rhythm..." Barrett grumbled. The train lurched forward, and Barrett nodded in silent resolve. "Looks like they just finished connecting the cars; we're finally leaving." He sauntered over to an empty seat and closed his eyes. The overhead straps swung back and forth idly. I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. This ride shouldn't be too long.

"What's our next target?" I looked down at Barrett from the corner of my eye and he snorted.

"Hah! Listen to Mr. Serious­about­his­work! Awright... I'll tell ya! Jessie's probably already told you, but there's a security check point at the top plate. It's an ID scan system checkin' all the trains." Barrett said, eyes still closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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