Broken - Part 1

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Things weren't looking good between Moran and Rose. They fought, one was disappointed with the other, a little bit of miscommunication here and there until it reached the point where Rose never wanted to see him again.

At all.

But watching him leave her home made her feel a lot of things: sadness...relief...regret...and... maybe freedom too. She should be happy that she's no longer tied to him, but why did she feel like she made a terrible mistake? Rose thought that sleeping through the night would shoo away the overwhelming emotions. It did give her peaceful bliss though, but it all came crashing down as soon as she woke up.

 It did give her peaceful bliss though, but it all came crashing down as soon as she woke up

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Starting a new day without Moran around made her feel empty. She decided to walk it off by strolling through London Square. She tried doing the things that she liked like...eating her favorite foods! Going to the library!'s still difficult for her to ignore the pain and feeling of emptiness.

However, something bad happened unexpectedly when a bunch of financially disgruntled men started causing chaos in London Square. Terrorists. Their objective? "Divine retribution for the well-off people.

It all started when they came as themselves; blending among the crowd, stationing themselves at the places where they planned to be. All the other citizens and carriages simply walked passed them.

Until one of them made the whistle.

And it was their signal to ignite the bombs that they planted last night.

A couple of loud BOOMs were heard within a 300m radius from London. There's also a possible chance that those who were closer to the explosions could lose their hearing. Fire and smoke erupted from the exploded establishments, and the heat and dust polluted the air.

Unfortunately, Rose was inside the library and that building wasn't spared from the terrorist's explosion.

It was hard for Rose to free herself when half of her body was buried under rubble. She started to panic since the environment drastically became chaotic; people screamed in fear, some wailing, a couple of limbs poking underneath the debris, others running in distress that they also trampled over the rubble Rose was under. 

And then as if by some miracle, she could hear a familiar voice: "Rose?! Rose?! Can you hear me? Please, Rose!"

It was Sebastian's!

"", she tried saying his name in her panicky breaths, but he could not hear her. 

"Rose! Where are you?!", Moran shouted her name amidst the mayhem, trying to look for her among the rubble.

Rose tried to shout back but couldn't. She's desperate to get his attention. Throwing a bunch of pebbles and rocks wouldn't make much of a difference at all.

And then as if by some miracle, she could feel the burden of the debris becoming lighter. Or maybe that's just her losing consciousness? But she believed that her vision did not lie when she saw Moran over her.

 Or maybe that's just her losing consciousness? But she believed that her vision did not lie when she saw Moran over her

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"Rose, don't you die! Just hold on, Rose! I'll get you out of this!"

"", Rose sighed and she was actually glad to see him at all! She gave him a weak smile.

Sebastian immediately noticed Rose's smile and his heart was filled with joy. "Shh... calm down, Rose. Everything's going to be alright...I'm going to get you out of here.", he reassured her.

He then continued taking out the rubble on Rose's body until he could see her fully. Sebastian then checked for any wounds while helping her to stand. 

"I can't! I can't!..."

"Easy, Rose. It's okay...I got you...", Sebastian's tone is now soft and tender. He took Rose's arm and placed it around his shoulder. When he lifted her up gently, Rose couldn't help but groan in pain. "MORAN STOP! STOP!"

"Sorry...sorry...let's get you to the hospital okay?"


As Sebastian and Rose reached the hospital, it was also chaotically crowded there too

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As Sebastian and Rose reached the hospital, it was also chaotically crowded there too. Most of the patients were victims of the bombing early afternoon. They were wrapped in bandages and casts, some were connected in tubes, and others had their limbs amputated; Moran could actually smell the strong scent of ointment from the room.

Sebastian frantically walked towards the reception area and demanded, "We really need a doctor right NOW!"

"Sir, please wait in the waiting room.", the nurse ordered...with not much remorse in her tone.


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"AND I CAN'T AFFORD ANOTHER SECOND WASTED WHEN MY WIFE HERE IS LOSING BLOOD FASTER AND HER LIMBS BROKEN FROM BEING CRUSHED AND TRAMPLED.", Moran defended and stood his ground. Meanwhile, Rose was already losing consciousness but did Moran just blurted out that he's his 'wife'? It didn't take long for her to black out.

The nurse witnessed Rose's state; she sighed and guided Sebastian toward the emergency room.

"Put her down here.", the nurse ordered Sebastian while pointing to one of the hospital beds. He followed on the dot. He could hear the nurse requesting for one more backup to tend to Rose's wounds. "Sir, please wait outside.", the nurse instructed him once again.

Before Moran could leave, he held onto Rose's hand and whispered to her, "Please be okay, Rose..."

And with that, he stood up and waited at the hallway - hoping that she will make it.

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