Chapter 1: The Encounter

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Eli couldn't help but admire her uniform as she gazed at it in the mirror. It was truly gorgeous. Just as she was lost in thought, her mother's voice interrupted her.
Startled, she rushed to go downstairs “Yes, Mom, I'm coming!”


"Bye, Mom, love ya," Eli called out as she headed for the door.

"Goodbye, be careful, and good luck on your first day," her mother replied with a warm smile.

Minutes later, while Eli strolled down the street, her day took an unexpected turn. A speeding motorcycle nearly collided with her, causing her to fall.

"Hey! Are you crazy?!" Eli exclaimed, her anger flaring.

The rider brought the motorcycle to a screeching halt and glanced at Eli, who was now sitting on the ground.

"You look fine," he remarked casually.

Eli couldn't believe her ears. Was this guy serious?

"Why don't you just apologize for almost hitting me?" she demanded.

"Okay, sorry," he replied with a shrug.

Eli's anger intensified, but then she noticed his uniform. Wait a minute, that uniform... he attended the same school as me?

With that thought, the mysterious rider revved his engine and rode off, leaving Eli both bewildered and intrigued.

Moments later, Eli reached the school and began searching for her classroom. When she finally found it, to her surprise, she spotted the same guy from the earlier motorcycle incident.

Without hesitation, she hurried over to him and delivered a swift kick to his leg, leaving him shocked.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed.

"You deserve that for being rude and almost hitting me earlier without a proper apology!" Eli retorted, her frustration evident.

He looked visibly annoyed and chose to ignore her, heading inside his classroom. Eli couldn't believe his arrogance.

“Why does he act like that? Does he think he's a boss or something? Tsk, I can't believe this is happening on my first day of college,” she muttered to herself.

As she contemplated the encounter, a girl approached her.

“Hi, I'm Julien Ane. Can I sit next to you?”

“ Eli Anor, and of course!” Eli replied

Julien took a seat next to her, and they struck up a conversation. Their talk was interrupted when the teacher entered the classroom.


During lunchtime, Julien shared some surprising information about the motorcycle guy.

"Hey, Eli, that guy is known as a player. He's had that reputation since high school. His name is Rael Adam by the way" Julien disclosed.

"Oh, really? So, he's genuinely a jerk," Eli remarked.

"Yeah, and he's also an alcoholic. He hit the bar every weekend," Julien added.

While they chatted, Rael interrupted them by accidentally spilling a juice to Eli, causing her to react with surprise.

"What The..?!"

To be continued--

With tensions surrounding the atmosphere, what do you think will happen to Eli and Rael's relationship?
And Could there be a deeper reasons on Rael's reckless behavior?

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