Chapter 3: Unexpected Encounters

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A few days have passed since.. I signed before continuing, thankfully those days were fine except for my first day. I told myself this while sitting on a bench.

It's Saturday, and I go to my favorite coffee shop every weekend to relax and study. As I was on my way there, my phone suddenly rang.

“Huh? Who could this be?” I was about to answer, but they ended the call, leaving me confused. I figured it was probably just an accidental call, so I continued walking until I reached the coffee place.

I immediately sat in my favorite spot in the shop and ordered an Iced latte.


Moments later, I am sitting peacefully when someone suddenly approach me, making me look up.

He then spoke,
“Hi, Miss, do you mind if I sit here?” he said with a warm smile on his face.

I stared at him for a moment, amazed at how good-looking he was. He seemed to be around my age. I thought to myself and replied,
“Sure, I don't mind.”

He took a seat, and for a while, we both went back to minding our own business in silence.

Then, he suddenly broke the silence by saying, “So, I noticed you love coming here.”

I was surprised by his observation and chuckled, “Yeah, but how did you know?”I asked

“I also come here every Saturday, but I don't think you noticed,” he replied.“Anyway, do you study computer science? I also do.”he added.

“Oh, really? What school do you go to?” I asked, but before he could answer, his phone suddenly rang, making him excuse himself.


Monday arrived, and as I was walking to my classroom, my books suddenly fell to the ground when someone bumped into me.

“I'm sorry, Miss,” he said while picking up the books and handing them to me.

“ah.. it's fine, thanks,” I replied, taking the books from him. When I looked up at him, I immediately recognized who the guy was.

“You?” I asked.
It was the guy from the coffee shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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