Chapter 2

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When the Tyrells finally got to Red Keep, the King's castle. Rosemarie closed her book and peered out the window again. The gate opened for them and the carriages rode in. The horses stopped and the carriage rider opened the door for them. Hildegaard and Richard stepped out first. Then Rowan. Then William stepped out and took his hand out and helped his sister Rosemarie out. The King, his family and the hand Otto Hightower were in the courtyard ready to welcome all the houses as they arrived.

"Hilde and Richard Tyrell," King Viserys said, walking over to them with his arms open to hug them. He then looked directly at Rosemarie and smiled.

"Ah, this must be, Rosemarie," the king said. Rosemarie curtsied before the king. 

King Viserys then greeted William and Rowan. Rosemarie looked at the king's family. Everyone was present, even Princess Rhaenyra, Damon and their children. She felt everyone's eyes on her. Rosemarie felt uneasy. Her brother William noticed this and smiled at her to make her feel better.

"Otto will escort you inside, I will see you all at the ball tonight." the King said.

Otto took the Tyrells to the west wing of the castle and showed Hilde and Richard their room first then William and then Rosemarie. Rosemarie looked at her room it was spacious there was a beautiful carved wooden bed with white sheets to the side and a vanity area with a window to the other side. She walked inside and took in the atmosphere. 

"Hope it's to your liking, lady Rosemarie," Otto said. He then looked somewhat hesitant like he didn't know whether or not he should say what was on his mind. Otto had remembered how The King had earlier advised him, Alicent and Rhaenyra to mention any marriage prospects to Rosemarie. 

"It's beautiful, Otto. "Rosemarie said. Otto then smiled and took his leave and left Rosemarie in her room a minute later Yrsa came to get Rosemarie ready for the ball. 

"My lady it must be so exciting, to go to a masquerade ball, everyone not knowing who each other is it must be fantastic," she said dreamingly. Yrsa was always enthusiastic and positive. 

After Yrsa had done Rosemarie's hair and got her dressed Rosemarie put on her mask. Her dress was long, the colour was a deep dark blue. It had off-shoulder sleeves that cut open exposing her arms. The neckline complimented her collarbone. The dress fabric wrapped beautifully around her breasts and sat tightly on her torso then flared down at the bottom. The mask is the same colour blue as the dress with beautiful gold markings. Yrsa then put gold dangle earrings on Rosemarie as the finishing touch.

"There you go my lady," she said and smiled. Rosemarie looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair hung loosely in perfect curls except for the front pieces that Yrsa had braided behind her head.

"Thank you, Yrsa," She said and smiled at her maid.

There was a knock on the door and William entered the room.

"I hope you are decent sister!" he yelled jokingly.

They walked into the great hall. Laughter, gossip and music filled the room. 

"Perhaps this might not be so bad," William said and smirked. He bowed in a playful manner and held his hand out for her sister to take. She smiled and took his hand. 

"Yes, let's hope not". She said. 

Hilde and Richard were speaking with the king and Otto Hightower. Rowan was drinking with the Stark brothers. Rosemarie could make her family out but couldn't recognize others except for the Targaryans because of their unique white hair colour and Otto and Alicent as they were standing close to the king. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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