Part Two: A Squabble in The Leaves of Shadows

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The episode opens up again with Summer having just finished reading to them of The Ever-After, then looked towards Ruby. Summer's heart ached at the sight of her daughter, who was just four years old. Grief and determination warred within her as she gazed down at the innocent child. She reached into the folds of her cloak, producing a delicate, obsidian pendant. It emanated an unsettling aura, as her grip tightened around it, torn between that and obvious love she had for her family, but the one who gave her it had an offer, a proposal, one that Summer was thinking about since that discussion.

Summer: (Whispering, her voice breaking as tears welled up) Ruby.......

Kneeling beside the bed, Summer reached out to gently brush a strand of raven hair away from Ruby's face.

Summer: I wish it didn't have to be this way.

Summer's grip on the pendant tightened as a conflicted tear fell onto Ruby's pillow, then looked at the dragon statue on the dresser.

Summer: Promise me, something......Look after her, make sure she is protected, watch her grow, and let me know she's safe. Please......

A knock at the door shattered the moment, sending a jolt of panic through Summer's heart. Quickly, she concealed the pendant within her cloak, wiping away her tears before answering the door. Outside stood Taiyang, his eyes a mix of concern and weariness.

Tai: Summer? You ok? You've been acting strange lately. Is something bothering you?

Summer's heart ached at his words, her love for him warring against the darkness that threatened to consume her. She wanted to tell him everything, to share her burden, but the weight of the pendant felt like chains around her heart.

Summer: (Forces a weary smile) I'm just tired, Tai. Being a Huntress takes its toll sometimes.

Taiyang's expression softened, his arms wrapping around her in a comforting embrace.

Tai: You don't have to carry everything alone, Summer. We're a team, remember?

A tear slipped down her cheek as she held him, torn between the love she had for him and the promise of power that seemed to glimmer just out of reach. The conflict raged within her, threatening to tear her apart. As the night wore on, Summer watched Ruby sleep, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She had made her choice, a choice driven by a mother's desperate love and fear for her child's future. And so, as the moon dipped beneath the horizon, Summer Rose disappeared into the night. However, the dragon statue's eyes glow, as demonic whispering and laughter was being heard.

Suddenly, Ruby jolted up, awake, breathing heavily, as we're only shown the left side of her face, just like in the very first episode, as Neo quickly ran to her aid, helping her calm down, summoning the illusion of Roman.

Roman: Hey, hey, hey, breathe, kiddo, breathe.

Ruby: W-What happened? Why does my face hurt?

Roman: (Sighs) Kid, you look worse than roast beef. Trust me, I've tried it

Neo gave him a "really?" look, as Ruby looks confused, only for the illusion to shatter, the shards of glass allowing Ruby to see a reflection of her half-burned face, making her shocked.

Ruby: Wait......Where's Little?

Neo looked down in sadness and sympathy, instantly letting Ruby of the mouse's fate.

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